Rebuilding Cost
Home Coverage
Annual Mileage/Auto Loss History
File Documentation/Veh Credits

When an outbound is made to a customer, we must do this

Advise of recorded line


What question must we ask our customers when they've told us they have a fireplace?

Does it vent through a metal duct or is it a masonry Chimney


The easiest thing to do but most common error when adding a trust is?

Forgetting to add the endorsement


HIG Estimated mileage should be presented with a close-ended statement, not a question, true or false?



When a 3rd party calls in for someone, we ask to speak to the customer, we advise they are on are recorded line, they gave us permission, what is the next thing we must do?

Document the file this 3rd party has permission to speak on the customer's behalf


A customer's friend calls in to get a quote, we correctly tell the customer we need their friend's permission. When the friend gets on the line we must do what?

Advise of the recorded line


ISO reads, "hardwood 60%, carpet 20%, vinyl 20%. We read from ISO to the customer, "The majority of your flooring is hardwood." Customer stops us, says no, 60% is carpet. What are the inputs for hardwood and vinyl?

Must confirm the rest with the customer


When lowering Covg. A below 100% to 60%, what two things must we do?

1) Check guidelines to make sure we can

2)Advise they would be losing the additional limits of liability covg


What states must we ask about TL and Comp?



When a customer discloses they have a medical condition, what specifics must we document about that condition?

  • Only document that the driver’s medical condition, disability, or impairment makes them unable to drive.
    • A driver’s medical condition, disability, or impairment can be physically or mentally related.
    • Never document a driver’s specific medical condition, disability, or impairment in Client.

What must we do at the end of every quote to get a "yes" checked off for the letters category

Send the quote


Customer states their home is 100% brick. We input 100% solid brick. What is the potential error here?

Need to develop if it is brick veneer or solid brick


What must we advise the customer about the additional limits of liability when reviewing coverages?

Only apply in the event of a total loss


Customer received a speeding ticket along with an accident they had, how do we input this into 1View?

Include both the accident and the violation GLS574


We are in a non-exclusion state and the customer has a Daughter that lives in the HH, but doesn't drive the customer's vehicles. What must we document to proceed leaving her off the quote?

Name of insurance company


We correctly tell the customer about the Facility policy. Customer declines to move forward, what must we do

Send Facility offer refused letter


We present our rebuilding cost to the customer, and they disagree with it. What are the 3 next steps we should do?

1) Confidently explain why we feel ours is correct

2)Review all inputs into ISO

3)Review Quality Wizard


At the beginning of the call, the customer mentions they have 3 outbuildings. We UW it, not problems. At issue, we review other structures and it's $14,300. Is there anything else we need to do?

Verify with the customer that this is enough


Other than driver's license numbers and driver info, what must we have before being able to run the MVR report

Their commitment to buy


A good AHT saver and potential process headline in the future is to tell the customer DDC is about 5% of their premium

No, always quote it, 5% is only off certain coverages.

Please quote the DDC credit for the customer to ensure you are giving an accurate figure vs just giving an estimate since the discount isn't off the total premium. The customer was incorrectly advised it would save them $75/$80 a year when it would only save $46 a year. This could lead to us having to honor the higher discount amount because the customer was given misinformation which leads to premium leakage.


What makes an Accident/Violation/Suspension/Revocation letter invalid and subject to fines even though we sent it out

Not putting in enough incidents to make it a decline


ISO shows pushpin data for a gable roof, there is no image for the home, what must we ask the customer in this situation to develop roof shape?

Nothing, go with the pushpin data


This is the only state where we do not have to read off the wind/hail deductible to the customer

None, we always need to!


When is the only time we discuss vendor verified AM?

When the customer initiates a conversation REF32651 and GLS2354 


This is surprisingly the second most common error under the "Veh Credits" bucket after Truelane

Years with current carrier
