Chancellor Beeby came to WI from what state?
New Hampshire
Which director is pursuing Luxembourg dual citizenship with her family?
Melissa Nielsen
Which associate/assistant director is pursuing Luxembourg dual citizenship?
Mic Nauman
Students entering UWL in what term will be the first to be under the new general education program?
Summer 2025
The Provost Office is currently located in what UWL building?
Centennial Hall
Chancellor Beeby is what # chancellor/president (leader) of UWL?
Which directors childhood nicknames were Squirt and Peanut?
Leanne Vigue
Ben Sturomski played the lead role of Curly in what musical in 6th grade?
How many categories are in the new Gen Ed program?
Exec Assistant Aaron Nielsen has a side business doing what? (100 points bonus if you know the name of his business)
Fixing coffee and espresso machines - Jittery Sheep
When is the date for Chancellor Beeby's Investiture Ceremony & Celebration?
May 2nd
Which two Acad Affairs directors became moms in the same month 8 years ago?
Christina Hayes and Karolyn Bald
Victoria Rahn has a collection of what - something that glows, is colorful, and flowy?
lava lamps
How many credits is the new Gen Ed program?
42 (though technically a student could earn it in 41 - Quant Reasoning category is 3-4 credits)
What is AVC Grunwald favorite human organ - it is fascinating from a biochemical perspective?
What is Chancellor Beeby's academic discipline?
Which Academic Affairs directors are UWL alumni (100 points for each - 400 points if you get both right)?
Kristin Koepke and Karolyn Bald
Which associate/assistant director is a twin?
Brenda Leahy
The Arts & Aesthetics category moved from GE08 to now what GE category #?
Gen Ed 1007
What is Provost Morgan's new athletic passion?
What sport did Chancellor Beeby play in college?
Becky Vianden was a three sport varsity athlete in high school. What 3 sports? (100 points for each, 500 if you get all 3 right)
Which associate/assistant director has worked at UWL the longest?
Brenda Leahy
The new Gen Ed program has 3 main parts - First College Courses, University Core, and Integrative Perspectives. What are the 4 required categories in Integrative Perspectives (hint: they all start with "the")?
The Stories We Tell
The Pasts that Define Us
The Plant that Sustains Us
The Cultures of Our World
How many years has Betsy served in the provost-role at UWL?
11 years - longest tenure of any provost