How many residence halls are there at UWW
What is 14
What is the Hawkcard Office?
How many clubs are offered on campus?
What is 180+
Where can you go if you want to access your academic advising report (AAR)?
What is WINS
What is UWWs mascot's name?
Who is Willie the Warhawk
If your GPA falls below ___, you will be put on probation.
What is 2.0
Where should you go if you want to pay your student bill in person?
What is Student Accounts/Cashier's Office
What app/website can you use to find out what events are happening around campus?
What is Connect2
Where can you go for resume and cover letter help?
What is Career Services Office
What does Satisfactory/No Credit mean?
What is pass/fail; has no impact on GPA
What is the Chancellor's first and last name?
Who is Corey King
Where do you go if you have a question but don't know who to ask?
What is the OneStop Shop
What group provides social programming on a campus-wide basis in the University Center?
What is UC Live
Where can you go if you want to find free business/formal clothing?
What is the Warhawk Success Closet
Where did your NSS instructor attend college?
What is UW-La Crosse
What year was UWW founded?
When is 1868
Where can you get help with your homework assignments?
What is Mary Poppe Chrisman Success Center
What student-led organization works to advocate for students and improve life on campus?
Who are WSG (Whitewater Student Government)
Which office handles academic misconduct?
What is Dean of Students Office
What is your peer mentors major?
What is Communications (PR)?
What is UWW's total enrollment?
What is 11,000
Other than the Ambrose Center, where can you go to get counseling?
What is Winther Hall
Which sport has had athletes represented in the olympics/paralympics?
What is Wheelchair Basketball
What is the number of undergraduate majors at UWW?
What famous comedian attended UWW?
Who is John Belushi