what you call me when i fall off ur lap.
what is a binik?
our actual anniversary
what is march 22nd?
like mountain dew
what is julia's car
first valentines day
what is taco farm
this place has a salsa bar
what is wilbur
rhymes with both our names
our first time...wink wink
what is november 21st
we had the best hot chocolate here
what is Brugges
our favourite place
what is hanmoto
a weird thing to put sugar on
what is chungchun rice dog
what is chol
our endiversary
wshat is october 22nd 2019
my 19th birthday
what is david duncan house
the name of this dessert place is also something you use in a game of monopoly
what is dice
the one that started it all
what is kwaaaaaaa
the least favourite child
who is dawn
taste the rainbow
what is arubus
our first anniversary dinner
what is that bad ramen restaurant
goji berries
what is organic press
the newest addition
what is googoo
gianluca's ex lover
who is sam covens
a good place to watch the sunset and listen to kiss me more
what is the hill
my 18th birthday
what is bibimbap
godly flavour combinations
what is barape