What year was the NTSB created?
What act did Eisenhower sign in 1957?
Airways Modernization Act
What was the CAA in charge of?
Air Traffic Control
Investigated accidents in all modes of transportation
How many airlines have gone out of business or sought bankruptcy protection since 1978?
What act in 1978 allowed airlines to enter and leave markets and set fares as they saw fit?
Airline Deregulation Act
T or F: The CAB was in charge of licensing pilots and planes.
T or F: FAA set standards to limit aircraft noise.
T or F: Network industries are important to modern economy.
Which act created the TSA?
Aviation and Transportation Security Act
What two things did the Civil Aeronautic Authority set?
Set airfares and airline routes
When did the US Department of Transportation begin operations?
1 April 1967
President George W. Bush
In what year did the Federal Aviation Act come into effect?
Which agency was Lieutenant General Elwood Quesada first chief of?
Federal Aviation Agency (FAA)
TSA was under what department?
Department of Homeland Security
Airlines are an example of what type of industry?
What did the Airways Modernization Act require?
Required airliners to have flight data recorders.
In 1940, the Civil Aeronautics Authority split into two under what department?
The Department of Commerce
What year did the NTSB reestablish as a completely separate body?