What is first?
James Madison was the 4th _______________ of the United States.
What is the President?
Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of __________.
What is Independence?
The gap in mountains, at the west point of Virginia and Kentucky is called ______________. Settlers used it to move west.
What is the Cumberland Gap?
The ___________ was a new tool to help make it easier to remove seeds from one of Virginia's main cash crops.
What is a cotton gin?
The role that George Washington played in the Revolutionary War was _____________.
What is the commander and chief?
James Maddison was born in ______________.
What is Virginia?
Thomas Jefferson believed that everyone should be free to _____________ was they please.
What is worship?
Virginians brought their __________________ to the areas they settled.
What are traditions, ideas, and culture?
The _____________ was a new tool that helped farmers cut down crops much faster.
What is a mechanical reaper?
George Washington is often called the "Father of _______"
What is Our Country.
James Madison was known as the Father of ___________.
What is the Constitution?
George Mason believed everyone in Virginia had the right to life, liberty and ___________.
What is free trade?
Farming ________ is hard on the soil so many farmers moved West looking for new land to farm.
What is tobacco?
The mechanical reaper was made _________ the VA Declaration of Rights was written, the Cotton Gin was invented, and the Constitution was written.
What is after?
The name of George Washington's slave plantation is _______________.
What is Mont Vernon?
James Madison skills at compromise helped __________________.
What is delegates reach agreements/compromise when writing the Constitution?
Who wrote the Virginia Declaration of Rights?
Who is George Mason?
The land settlers had not settled or mapped was called ___________.
What is the frontier?
The mechanical reaper led to lots of people losing their jobs and _________ Virginia.
What is leave?
George Washington was a strong model for future presidents by _________________.
What is stepping down after eight years?
The convention James Maddison kept detailed notes was the __________ Convention.
What is the Constitutional Convention?
Who wrote the Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom?
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
As Virginians moved after the American Revolution enslaved African people were ______________ or _______ .
What is taken with their enslavers or sold to people further South?
All these new technologies had a major effect on Virginia because at the time most people made their money as ___________ in Virginia.
What are farmers?