The predominant circulating WBC in dogs, cats and horses
An intensely stained RBC that has reduced or no central pallor
Measures the % of erythrocytes in a peripheral blood sample
Packed cell volume (PCV)
Results in secondary hemostasis
Coagulation cascade
A device used to count platelets
Immature WBC, also called "stabs"
Band neutrophils
Fragmented RBC that are usually formed as a result of shearing of the red cell by intravascular trauma
A layer of material above the packed erythrocytes after centrifugation
Buffy coat
Brekdown of the protein product of the coagulation cascade
Any salt of citric acid; used as temporary anticoagulants for studies of blood coagulation
WBC that have twisted or irregular nucleus in dogs
An RBC with multiple small projections that are evenly spaced over the cell circumference
Used to evaluate WBC, RBC and platelet morphology
Blood smear
An acquired secondary coagulation disorder that is characterized by the depletion of thrombocytes and coagulation factors
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
A made-up word used to describe clumps of platelets seen on a blood smear
Contain numerous, large, brightly staining, granules in horses
Round structures of RBC that represent denatured hemoglobin and that appear as a pale area when stained
Heinz Bodies
The presence of increased numbers of immature cells in a peripheral blood sample
Left shift
The presence of RBC with decreased staining intensity as a result of decrease in hemoglobin concentration
Evaluates the extrinsic and common pathways
Prothrombin Time (PT)
Have abundant gray-blue cytoplasm, possibly with clear vacuoles
Basophilic inclusions of young RBC that represent nuclear remnants
Howell-Jolly bodies
Variation in size of nuclei of cells in a sample
An acid mucopolysaccharide that is present in many tissues, especially the liver and lungs, and that has potent anticoagulant properties
This test requires use of a special tube that contains diatomaceous earth.
Activated clotting time (ACT)