What's Missing?
Vaccine Administration

Which of the following tetanus containing vaccine requires 5 doses to be given as a part of the routine childhood vaccine series?

A. DTap

B. Tdap

C. Td


E. Vaqta

A. DTap


Which vaccine contains antigen for both hep A and B? 

A. Engerix B

B. Recombivax HB

C. Garsil-9

D. Pediarix

E. Trinrix

E. Trinrix


EJ is a 50 year old male who approaches the conter to ask whats the best option to treat a cut he received on his foot while working in the garden. He does not believe he received many childhood vaccines. Which vaccine is preferable? 

A. DTap


C. Td

D. Tdap

E. Menveo

D. Tdap


Which of the following statements concerning IM administration is correct? 

A. inject needle at 45 degree angle

B. injection site is above the level of the armpit and below the acromium process

C. a 1" needle is preferred in male patients weighing more than 260 pounds

D. MMR, MMRV, Varicella are administered IM

E. a 5/8" needle is preferred for IM administration in most patients



In which of the following patients is MMR vaccine contraindicated? 

A. 23 yo male with a head cold and fever of 100.1

B. 51 year old pt with HIV CD 4 count of 145

C. 27 yo pt on 5 of 7 days of amoxicillin RX for tooth abscess

D. 56 yo female who lives with elderly mother who takes methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis

B. 51 year old pt with HIV CD 4 count of 145


A 14 month old girl was bitten by a dog at the park with her mom. She is not up to date with her tetanus containing vaccine in addition to some others. She was given immune globulin at the hospital. Which vaccine below should she not be given while she is there? 

A. pneumococcal

B. hepatitis B


D. polio



Contains Tdap

Adacel or Boostrix


LM is a 29 yo female starting her first year of pharmacy school in september 2 months ago. She completed the hep B vaccine series a few years ago but states that she did not receive most childhool vaccines and cannot recall any other vaccines during adulthood. What vaccines should LM receive today. Select all that apply. 

A. seasonal influenza vaccine

B. Tdap

C. Varivax

D. Rotatiq

E. HIB vaccine

A. seasonal influenza vaccine

B. Tdap

D. Varivax


Choose the correct statement regarding sc administration of vaccines. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY

A. Varivax, yellow fever, MMR can be given sc

B. sc injections are injected into the fatty tissue over the tricep

C. Flumist, fluzone, pediarix can be given sc

D. sc injections are administered at a 45 degree angle

E. sc injections are administered with needles that are 5/8" long

B, D, E

Shingrix vaccine is recommended for which of the following patients? 

A. 40 yo adult no medical conditions

B. 52 yo adult with hypertension

C. 10 month old child 

D. 10 yo child

E. 18 yo adult living in college dorm

B. 52 yo adult with hypertension


Which vaccine can cause a false positive reaction to the tuberculin skin test? 

A. Varivax

B. Fluzone

C. Bacille cammett-goerin (BCG)


E. Menveo



Contains MMR and Varicella



PJ is a 13 month old male who presents to the pediatrician for a routine checkup. He has never received an influenza vaccine. Which of the following is required? 

A. 1 dose this season if fluad is used

B. 1 dose today, followed by a second dose in 6 months

C. 1 dose today, followed by a second dose in 28 days

D. 1 dose this season if flumist is used

E. a series of 3 shots at 1 month, 3 months and 6 months

C. 1 dose today, followed by a second dose in 28 days


The manager at a pharmacy ordered 100 single dose vials of afluria. HE found them stored in the pharmacy freezer. Choos ehte correct choice of action. 

A. vaccine can be moved into refrigerator if it has been frozen for less than or 1 hour

B. vaccine cannot be used; it must be safely discarded

C. vaccine can be used if administered within 24 hours

D. vaccine can be used if administered within 48 hours

E. vaccine can be used if administered within 72 hours

B. vaccine cannot be used; it must be safely discarded


DV is a healthy 66 yo female. Her PCP thinks she would benefit from Vaxneuvance and Pneumovax 23. How should the vaccines be sequenced? 

A. V today, PPSV 23 in 8 wks

B. V today, PPSV 23 IN 5 years

C. V today, PPSV 23 in 1 year

D. PPSV23 today, V in 8 weeks

E. PPSV23 today, V in 1 year

C. V today, PPSV 23 in 1 year


Which vaccine is contraindicated in patients with severe allergy to eggs or gelatin. 

A. Rabies

B. Typhoid

C. Cholera

D. Yellow fever

E. Japanese encephalitis

D. Yellow fever


Contains DTap, Hep B and IPV


A 35 year old male is traveling to western Africa. What will provide proof of his yellow fever vaccination?

  1. The green card

  2. The yellow card 

  3. The pink card

  4. The red card

  5. The white

2. The yellow card


Select the correct term for the Center for Disease Control’s standard resource for travel information:

  1. Orange Book

  2. Pink Book

  3. Yellow Book

  4. Black Book

  5. Green Book

3. Yellow Book


Which of the following patients should receive the MenB vaccine. Select all that apply. 

A. 6 yo with sickle cell disease

B. 19 yo on college campus during meningitis serial group B outbreak

C. a 25 yo lab worker exposed to N. Meningitidis

D. a 10 yo with sickle cell disease

E. 38 yo person traveling with meningitis belt of Subsaharan Africa

B. 19 yo on college campus during meningitis serial group B outbreak

C. a 25 yo lab worker exposed to N. Meningitidis

D. a 10 yo with sickle cell disease


JK is a 21- year old male who presents to the urgent care clinic on june 22 with a puncture wound in his left foot after stepping on a nail when he walked outside barefoot. He remembers getting a tetanus shot at age 14 (it made his arm very sore) but has only gotten a flu shot every year since then. Which of these vaccines would be appropriate to administer at this time? (select all that apply)

C. Td

D. Boostrix


Choose the correct statements concerning the HPV vaccine (select all that apply)

  1. HPV vaccination is not recommended for patients age 9-26 year

  2. Three doses are required for a 24-year-old male with HIV receiving his first dose

  3. Two doses are required for a 12-year-old female receiving her first dose

  4. Three doses are required for a 16-year-old receiving her first dose

  5. HPV vaccination is only indicated in patients < 15 year old are sexually active

2. Three doses are required for a 24-year-old male with HIV receiving his first dose

3. Two doses are required for a 12-year-old female receiving her first dose

4. Three doses are required for a 16-year-old receiving her first dose


Which of the following if taken would qualify as steroid induced immunosuppression? 

A. prednisolone 30mg po daily for 22 days in an 11.8kg child

B. Beclomethasone inhaler twice daily for 4 weeks

C. afleconide 0.05% cream applied tid topically for 3 weeks

D. dexamethasone 4mg po daily for 3 weeks

E. triamcinolone injected intrarticularly 2 days ago

A. prednisolone 30mg po daily for 22 days in an 11.8kg child

D. dexamethasone 4mg po daily for 3 weeks


If not previously vaccinated, which of the following travelers should receive a hepatitis B vaccine?

  1. A medical volunteer in South Africa 

  2. A traveler on a religious trip in Saudia Arabia for Hajj

  3. A traveler staying with a local family in rural cantral America

  4. A traveler that will be camping in Asia

  5. A volunteer who is helping build homes in central Africa

1. A medical volunteer in South Africa


Choose the correct statements concerning the HPV vaccine (select all that apply)

  1. HPV vaccination is not recommended for patients age 9-26 year

  2. Three doses are required for a 24-year-old male with HIV receiving his first dose

  3. Two doses are required for a 12-year-old female receiving her first dose

  4. Three doses are required for a 16-year-old receiving her first dose

  5. HPV vaccination is only indicated in patients < 15 year old are sexually active

2. Three doses are required for a 24-year-old male with HIV receiving his first dose

3. Two doses are required for a 12-year-old female receiving her first dose

4. Three doses are required for a 16-year-old receiving her first dose
