What is the main symbol of Valentines Day?
What two main colors most shown on Valentines Day?
There is a movie titled Valentines day? True or False.
What flower is given most on valentines day?
What are two common gifts given on Valentines Day?
Valentines day is not a holiday. True or False.
What Greek goddess is Zeus' wife?
Which was Shakespeare’s most romantic play?
Romeo and Juliet.
What are two popular foods eaten on Valentines Day?
What does valentines day celebrate?
The holiday is named after this saint...
What is a famous valentines day poem?
What is roses are red,
violets are blue,
sugar is sweet and so are you!
What was Valentines day originally called?
What is a common closing for a personal letter?
What did the paper clip say to the magnet?
I find you very attractive
Which symbol does New York’s Empire State Building illuminate on every Valentine’s Day?
A heart.