How many days in February this year (2022)?
28 days
What do X's and O's mean?
Kisses and hugs
The love God in Roman Mythology
Romeo and Juliet
Red represents
How many days in February in the year 2032?
29 days- its a leap year?
What does the color red mean?
Love, Passion, or Romance
A pope declared Valentines a holiday? True or False
Egyptian Lovers
Cleopatra and Antony
Pink represents
Love and Compassion
What is a leap year?
A year occurring every 4 years
Cupid is from what mythology in history?
He is a Roman God
Hallmark cards started making cards for Valentines in the year 1901. True or False?
False- 1916
American Gangsters
Bonnie and Clyde
What color makes purple?
Blue and Red
What president has a holiday in February?
George Washington
The term lovebirds originates from Doves, Pigeons, or Agapornis. Choose one.
Agapornis bird
Who created the first box of chocolates for Valentines?
Richard Cadbury
Who is the Spanish Lover?
Don Juan, Casanova, Zorro
Who is Richard Cadbury?
A chocolatier
What country has the most wedding anniversaries? Hint: not the US
What type of bird is an Agapornis?
a parrot
What territory became a state on Valentine's Day?
In the time of King Arthur
Lancelot and Guinevere
What two colors are on the sides of red on the color wheel?
Orange and Purple