A popular treat to give someone on Valentine’s day. Sometimes it comes in a heart-shaped box.
The colour of love
What date is Valentine’s Day celebrated on every year?
February 14th
Cupid is from Greek Mythology
False, he is from Roman Mythology
The tragic lovers written by William Shakespere
Romeo & Juliet
A popular gift to give someone on Valentine’s day that smells good.
The body organ that is also connected to love
The heart
Which 3 countries send roses to the USA for Valentine’s Day?
Ecuador, Colombia, and Kenya
Teachers get more gifts than anyone else on Valentine’s (English Speaking Countries where it's celebrated)
According to the Bible, who was the very first couple?
Adam and Eve
What is the most popular gift to give on Valentine’s Day?
The flower symbolic to Valentine’s day
About how many roses are grown for Valentine’s Day?
About 250 million
Cupid uses a potion to make people fall in love
False, he uses a Bow and Arrow
What was the prince’s name that Ariel fell in love with in the Little Mermaid?
Prince Eric
What percentage of pet owners give their pets a gift on Valentine’s Day?25%
The Roman god of love
How many pounds of candy is bought for Valentine’s Day in the U.S. every year?
About 58 million pounds
The name for a celebration for girl friends on February 13 is called Girlentine’s Day
GALentine’s Day
The tragic lovers in Titanic
Jack and Rose
What color roses do you give to your friends that represent friendship?
Yellow roses
What do we call stuffed bears?
_______ Bears
What American TV show did the concept of Galentines Day come from?
Parks and Rec (Recreation)
Valentines Day was originally supposed to be celebrated on the 20th but was changed
What was the celebrity couple nickname for the famous Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt?Brangelina