This was where the oldest-known Valentine's Day message was sent from.
A. Hospital
B. School
C. Prison
D. Work Ship
What is a prison?
Cupid is the god of this
A. Marriage
B. Love
C. Friendship
D. Happiness
This was when the first commercial valentines was printed in the United States.
A. 1600s
B. 1700s
C. 1800s
D. 1900s
What are the 1800s?
According to Hallmark, this is the amount of any Valentine’s Day cards that are exchanged each year (excluding those given out in classrooms).
A. 50 million
B. 100 million
C. 145 million
D. 150 million
What is 145 million?
This fruit was once known as the "love apple"
A. Mango
B. Tomato
C. Peach
D. Plum
What is a Tomato?
This year was when the oldest-known Valentine's Day message was written.
A. 1325
B. 1415
C. 1535
D. 1675
What is 1415?
In Roman mythology, Cupid is the son of this goddess.
A. Venus
B. Vesta
C. Fortuna
D. Flora
Who is Venus?
This English king declared Valentine’s Day a holiday in the 1500s.
A. William I
B. Henry VIII
C. Alfred the Great
D. Richard III
Who is Henry VIII?
On average, this is how much people plan to spend on Valentine’s Day for their loved ones.
A. $127.53
B. $185.81
C. $198.75
D. $202.98
What is $185.81?
In the Victorian era, mean-spirited Valentine's Day cards were called "this Valentines."
A. Vinegar
B. Spicy
C. Angry
D. Gotcha
He wrote the oldest-known Valentine's Day message
A. The Duke of Sussex
B. The Viscount of Wessex
C. The Earl of Wales
D. The Duke of Orleans
Who is the Duke of Orleans?
Cupid has this name in Greek mythology.
A. Hermes
B. Ares
C. Eros
D. Hephaestus
Who is Eros?
This year was when the sweetheart candy messages “Be Mine” and “Kiss Me” first rolled out.
A. 1853
B. 1898
C. 1902
D. 1926
What is 1902?
This is how much money Americans expected to spend, in total, on Valentine’s Day, according to the National Retail Federation.
A. $14.2 billion
B. $16.1 billion
C. $18.5 billion
D. $21.8 billion
What is 14.2 billion?
The oldest living love poem was written on this.
A. Cave Wall
B. Papyrus
C. Clay Tablets
D. Parchment
What are Clay Tablets?
She was known as the Mother of Valentine's Day.
A. Ada Lovelace
B. Emmeline Pankhurst
C. Rosalind Franklin
D. Esther Howland
Who is Esther Howland?
In Roman mythology, Cupid falls in love with this goddess.
A. Ceres
B. Psyche
C. Laverna
D. Minerva
Who is Psyche?
This year Hallmark first start selling Valentine’s Day cards
A. 1850
B. 1913
C. 1927
What is 1913?
Roughly, this is how many roses are produced for Valentine’s Day.
A. 150 million
B. 200 million
C. 250 million
D. 300 million
What is 250 million?
This person invented the first Valentine's Day candy box.
A. Joseph Draps
B. Domenico “Domingo” Ghirardelli
C. Michele Ferrero
D. Richard Cadbury
Who is Richard Cadbury?
This year was when February 14 was first declared to be Valentine's Day.
A. 1435
B. 1537
C. 1624
D. 1782
Cupid is believed to carry arrows that have tips made of which two materials?
A. Silver & Gold
B. Gold & Lead
C. Gold & Copper
D. Silver & Copper
What is Gold & Lead?
This insanely popular website debuted on Valentine's Day in 2005.
A. Facebook
B. Myspace
C. Youtube
D. LinkedIn
What is Youtube?
This is how many people typically buy Valentines for their pets.
A. 3 million
B. 5 million
C. 9 million
D. 10 million
What is 9 million?
This TV show is credited with starting the Galentine’s Day tradition.
A. The Office
B. 30 Rock
C. Parks and Rec
D. Brooklyn 99
What is Parks and Rec?