Often exchanged among school children, these treats are a popular way to let someone know you consider them special.
What are conversation hearts?
These are naturally enjoyed as meaningful Valentine's Day gift.
What are flowers?
Warm conversation and tasty sustenance are often the courses of this gift.
What is out to dinner?
One of the most popular symbols circulating on Valentine's Day?
What is a heart?
This country is responsible for starting the tradition of exchanging Valentine's Day cards.
What is Great Britain?
These shiny treats are less likely to spread germs than their namesakes.
What are chocolate kisses?
This cultured chemical combination is often scent to please your special someone on Valentine's Day.
What is Perfume (cologne)?
Receiving this gift could leave one bouncing for joy!
What is a sporting event?
This fragrant symbol has gotten a few people out of a thorny situation.
What is a rose?
This country, largest in South America, shares the warmth on June 12th-on the eve of the celebration of St Anthony, the patron Saint of marriage.
What is Brazil?
These tasty treats come closest to appearing healthy despite their lovely coats!
What are chocolate covered strawberries?
This material gift can remind the recipient of you whenever it is encountered.
What is clothing?
This gift is sure to stir up warm feelings of appreciation.
What is a couples cooking class?
Configuring one of these symbolizes commitment
What is "tying the knot?"
ON October 9th, this European country celebrates the feast of Saint Dionysus by gifting silk scarves and marzipan.
What is Spain?
This missive mimics the transfer of information of long ago accompanied by a tasty treat.
What is a candy gram?
This gift serves as a solid reminder of the givers admiration.
What is jewelry?
This entertaining gift is meant to encourage merriment.
What is a trip to the amusement park?
This peaceful figure often causes doubts to fly away.
What are doves?
In this country, historically know as Bohemia, couples celebrate their love by visiting the statue of poet Kasel Macha and sharing a kiss under the cherry blossoms.
What is the Czech Republlc?
To'ak, priced at $450. for a $1.76 ounce piece, is acknowledged as the most expensive of this treat meaning an average size serving of this would cost how much?
What is $1022.70? Chocolate is served in an average 4 oz. serving.
This dog gone good gift parrots warm and loving wishes without being catty.
What is a pet?
This gift aims to provide an escape from the day to day experience.
What is a vacation trip?
Often underclad, this symbol aims to ensnare your heart.
Who is Cupid?
Affection is demonstrated in this country located between the Baltic and the North Sea, by gifting pig shaped statues or stuffies and by sharing ginger cookies decorated with romantic sayings.
What is Germany?