what is common symbol shown on valentines day.
What is Heart
What is another common symbol shown on valentine's day
What is a Cupid
Who were the star-crossed lovers in the movie "Titantic"
Who are Rose and Jack.
What does valentines day celebrate
What is Love
What does XOXO mean?
What is Hugs and Kisses
Julia Roberts plays Vivian in this 1990 Romantic Comedy?
What is Pretty Woman
What is the popular heart candy with quotes called?
What are Sweethearts, or what are conversation hearts
what is a popular food eaten on valentines day?
What is chocolate
how do you say I LOVE YOU in spanish
What is Te Amo'
What is a popular Valentine's Day store
What is Victoria Secrets
true or false. Valentine's Day is a Paid work Holiday.
What is false
What is the most popular drink on Valentine's Day?
What is wine
Who is Valentine's Day named after?
Who is Mr. St.Valentine
What metals is Cupid's Arrow made of?
What is Gold and Lead
Who invented the first Valentine's Day Candy?
Who is Cadbury
What fruit was once known as a "Love Apple"
What is a tomato