what is a common symbol shown on valentines day.
What is Heart
What is pink and red.
What poetic phrase is often used on Valentine's day card?
What is "roses are red, violets are blue"?
What sweet treat is often dipped in chocolate (hint: fruit)?
What are chocolate-covered strawberries?
What does valentines day celebrate
What is love and affection between friends
What phrase, used at the end of love letters, expresses affection and sincerity?
What is "Yours Truly"?
what is the nickname of the priest who secretly married couples in defiance of Roman Emperor Caludius II's decree?
Who is Mr. St. Valentine
This item, is a classic way to express love and affection on Valentine's Day. (hint: you can buy it or make it)
What is a card?
what two creatures are often seen as symbols of affection?
What are lovebirds
A person who admires or is infatuated with someone is often referred to as this:
What is an admirer?
What term is often used to describe your significant other on Valentine's day?
What is a sweetheart?
what is a small, thoughtful gesture that you can personalize and share on Valentine's day?
What is a card
What stuffed animal is often given as a gift on Valentine's Day?
What is a teddy bear?
What phrase is commonly included in Valentine's Day cards? (hint: XOXO)
What is "Hugs and Kisses"?
The lyrics of this popular song by Taylor Swift make it a perfect anthem for Valentine's Day.
What is "Love Story" by Taylor Swift?
who is the holiday named after
Who is Mr. St.Valentine
Who is the winged God of Love?
Who is Cupid?
when did Mr. Valentine die
What is 270 AD
who was the Mother of Valentine's Day?
Esther A. Howland
What Greek goddess is Zeus' wife
Who is Hera?