What type of birds are "Lovebirds"?
In what year was "Galentine's Day" introduced?
The Roman figure Cupid is known by what Greek name?
Who is the goddess of Love?
From what group does this holiday come from?
What gemstones represent love?
Rose quartz or Amethyst
What is the average amount spent on Valentine's per person
Approximately $193
Where is St. Valentine from?
What does Valentine's day signify the start of?
Bird mating seasons
Candy Hearts were not always candy, what were they first?
Medicinal Lozenges
Arizona has a city named Valentine, can you name one of the three other states with that city?
Nebraska, Texas, Virginia
How many roses are grown each year for Valentine's Day?
Nearly 250 million roses
This Elizabethan author of the Canterbury Tales was said to first make Valentine's Day romantic
The net-like fabric lace is the Latin word for what?
Which country introduced dried/pressed flowers?
What important invention (that we still see today) was patented on February 14th, 1876?
Alexander Graham Bell's Telephone
How many pounds of chocolate are sold each year on Valentine's?
Roughly 58 Million pounds
The first Valentine's Day Cards were inspired by who?
What is the highest grossing romance movie of all time? (which features an iconic song)
My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion
Getting slapped with this hide was said to bring fertility to women
Blood soaked goat's hide
"Only fools rush in" in this 1961 ballad "Can't Help Falling In Love" by this man
Elvis Presley
How many people (in 2021) bought gifts for their dogs/cats?
More than 72 million
What occupation receives the most Valentine's?
The iconic heart-shaped boxes of chocolate were made by who?
Victorian Era men and women used Vinegar Valentines to drive off unwanted suitors, what did they contain?
Insults, Slander, and rejection