Valentine's History
Valentine's around the world
Famous love stories
Love Songs
Famous couples

This saint secretly married soldiers in defiance of a law that prohibited them from marrying. 

Who is St. Valentine?


This country celebrates friendship instead of romance on Valentine's day.

What is Finland?


This Shakespearean couple's tragic love story is set in Verona

What is Romeo and Juliet?


This 1997 song by Celine Dion became iconic after being featured in the movie "Titanic."

What is "What's Love Got to Do with It"?


This historical couple, the Queen of Egypt and a Roman general, were known for their passionate and politically significant relationship.

Who are Cleopatra and Mark Antony?


This emperor is said to have executed two men named Valentine on February 14th. 

Who is Emperor Claudius?


In these countries, women give chocolates to men on Valentine's Day. Men return the favor a month later on March 14th.

What is Japan and Korea?


This film intertwines a fictional love story with a real-life disaster.

What is the Titanic?


This 1961 hit by Elvis Presley includes the famous line, "Take my hand, take my whole life too, for I can't help falling in love with you."

What is "Can't Help Falling in Love"?


This British couple, married in 2001, includes the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

Who are Prince William and Kate Middleton?


This country is credited with stating the practice of exchanging Valentine's Day cards

What is England?


In this country, the most given flower on Valentine's Day is an orchid. 

What is Peru?


This novel tells the story of a passionate romance that spans decades, beginning with a summer love in the 1940s and enduring through the trials of life and memory loss. 

What is the Notebook?


This 1979 song by Lionel Richie and Diana Ross includes the lyrics, "My love, there's only you in my life, the only thing that's right."

What is "Endless Love"?


This famous music couple, known for their collaborative work and powerful influence, includes a rapper and a pop superstar.

Who are Jay-Z and Beyoncé?


This man popularized the tradition of giving heart-shaped boxes full of chocolates on Valentine's.

Who is Richard Cadbury?


In this country, romance is celebrated in March 12th. Women look to the sky for the first bird they see, which is said to reveal what their future husband will be like.

What is Slovenia?


This novel features a complex romance set in the English countryside exploring themes of social class, family, and personal growth.

What is Pride and Prejudice?


This 1983 song by Bonnie Tyler, includes the line, "Once upon a time I was falling in love, now I'm only falling apart."

What is "Total Eclipse of the Heart"?


This couple, both of whom were influential in the civil rights movement, includes a Baptist minister and his supportive wife who continued his legacy after his assassination.

Who are Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King?


Valentine's Day may be traced back to this Roman holiday traditionally celebrated on February 15.

What is Lupercalia?


In a cynical response to being single, this country made it a tradition to eat black bean sauce noodles and call it Black Day. 

What is South Korea?


This English king abdicated the throne to marry American divorcee Wallis Simpson.

Who is King Edward VIII?


This 1965 song by The Righteous Brothers, produced by Phil Spector, features the line, "Oh, my love, my darling, I've hungered for your touch."

What is "Unchained Melody"?


This renowned scientific couple, who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity, includes a Nobel Prize-winning husband and wife team.

Who are Marie Curie and Pierre Curie?
