What song are these lyrics from?
“Wise men say only fools rush in…”
Can’t help falling in love by Elvis Presley
What movie is this:
69% of roses
Who is Valentine’s day named after?
Saint Valentine
The country of ______ is known for love
What song are these lyrics from?
“I found a love me. Darling, just dive right in. Follow my lead.”
Perfect by Ed Sheeran
What movie is this
The Kissing Booth
This Creature is often seen as a symbol of love and is depicted in many Valentine’s card
A dove
This Couple is famous for their tragic love story, involving suicide in Verona Italy
Romeo and Juliet
This classical novel by Jane Austen tells the story of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy
Pride and Prejudice
What song are these lyrics from?
“If I should stay
I would only be in your way
So I'll go, but I know
I'll think of you every step of the way”
I will always love you by Dolly Parton/ Whitney Houston
What movie is this?
Brown Sugar
Top producer of roses in the US
A. California
B. Iowa
C. Washington
D. West Virginia
A. California
Where was Valentine’s day believed to be first celebrated?
Ancient Rome
This 1999 romantic comedy featuring Taye Diggs and Nia Long as two people navigating the world of relationships and their respective ambitions is a favorite
The Best Man
What song are these lyrics from?
” Excuse the mess it made, it usually doesn’t rain in Southern California much like Arizona
Think in Bout You by Frank Ocean
What movie is this?
This Winged figure, often depicted with a bow and arrow, is the god of love in Roman mythology
This queen of Egypt was famously in love with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony
This Black couple marriage became a symbol of success in 2008, as they both excelled in their careers and were prominent figures in political spaces
Barack and Michelle Obama
What song are these lyrics from?
” My Head is under water but I’m breathing Fire
All of Me by John Legend
What movie is this
Love and Basketball
What color rose symbolizes friendship?
Where was the first Valentine sent from?
The tower of London/prison
Waiting to Exhale