What flower is given most on Valentines Day?
This is the date Valentine's Day is celebrated.
February 14th
This is a popular candy gift given on Valentine's Day
What is being celebrated on Valentines day?
What is Azadeh afraid of?
What is the named of the little winged baby that hits individuals with arrows to make them fall in love?
Solve the scramble: psoli
This is the meaning of X and O in "XOXO."
What is X = kisses and O = hugs
Which was Shakespeare’s most romantic play?
Romeo and Juliet
What is Azadeh's birth year animal?
You would think Monkey, but technically it will be Sheep / Goat!!
These two colors are used most often to represent Valentine's day.
Red and Pink
This is the saint who Valentine's Day was named after.
St. Valentine
What red color symbolizes?
Passion, love, affection...
Solve the scramble: lfal ni ovle
Fall in love
How many places Azadeh have worked?
5 places: University of Toronto Lab, Purdue Pharma, Novapharm which became Teva, Sanofi, and now Alten. (Plus Circuit Edge!)
What does the expression "Love at first sight" means?
To fall in love with someone the first time you meet them.
What does it mean to "admire" someone?
To admire someone is to look at them with respect and affection.
What would you do if you want to "spoil" someone on Valentine’s Day?
Spoil someone means to treat them with extra care and attention, such as giving them a special gift
Name of the artist/band who sings "All of me "
John Legend
How many years Azadeh has celebrated her birthday with Ehsan?
20 years
This is the Valentine's Day gift that people spend the most money on.
What European city is called "the city of love"?
How does Cupid make you fall in love with someone?
He shoots an arrow of love through your heart
Solve the scramble: ticorman
Name four dances that Azadeh has competed in.
Slow Waltz, Foxtrot, Tango, Viennese Waltz