Name a male famous leader we recognize during Black History Month?
Who is....
What is one way you can show someone you care about them?
What is... ask them to play, hug, high five, etc.
The most popular brand of chocolate is what?
What is Hershey's
What do people give each other on February 14th?
What are Valentines
How do you say February in Spanish?
What is Febrero
Name a female famous leader we recognize during Black History Month?
Who is....
How do you say, I love you/I care about you, in Spanish?
Te queiro o Te amo
How many days are in February?
What is 28 or 29 (due to leap years!)
Name a famous black singer, athlete or actor?
Who is...
Name an animal that loves humans
What are dogs, cats, birds, horses, etc.
What is chocolate made from?
What is coca beans from a cocoa tree
What is a bird that represents love?
Hint: they are sometimes at weddings
What is a dove.
What is celebrated all month long in February?
What is Black History Month
Who is...
Name a song about kindness or love?
What is...
When was the first chocolate bar created?
A. 1910 B. 1847 C. 1898
What is B. 1847
How many pounds of chocolate are eaten each Valentine's day?
A. 58 million B. 2 million C. 10 million
What is A. 58 million.
Besides Valentine's Day, what is another national holiday in February?
What is President's Day
What year did black history month start?
A. 1950 B. 1961 C. 1976
What is C. 1976
Name a movie about kindness or love
What is....
Besides milk chocolate, name another kind of chocolate?
What is... dark chocolate, white chocolate, cookies and cream, etc.
What is the name of the baby-like flying creature that represents love?
What is a cupid.