What is the original name of Valentines day?
St. Valentines Day
Who is Valentines Day named after?
St. Valentines
Mickey Mouse's lover is...
Minnie mouse
What day is Valentines day?
February 14
When did the United States start celebrating Valentines Day? 1200, 1700, 1400.
The early 1700's
Was St. Valentines a boy or a girl?
Romeo from Shakespeare's lover is...
Whats the name of the candies shaped like hearts with phrases on them?
Conversation Hearts
In what year did people start writing Valentine Day cards? 1400s, 1500s, or 1300s
In the 1400s
How old was St. Valentine when he died? 34, 87, or 43
The meaning of Valentines Day is to...
Celebrate love and affection for one another
The top selling brand of Valentines day cards
The greek god Zues' lover is Hera, Erma, or Athena
How many cards get sent each year on Valentines day 130 million, 240 million, or 150 million?
150 million