Which candy has this slogan?
I like the way you roll.
Tootsie Roll
der oser
Red rose
What is the meaning of "to have a change of heart"?
To change your mind
Name one song with the word "love" in the title
In what country is Valentine's Day known as "Friend's Day?"
A) Greece B) Finland C) Austria D) Colombia
E) Russia F) Qatar G)Poland F) Amsterdam
B) Finland
You don't celebrate Valentine's day
Which candy has this slogan?
I love you to pieces.
Reese's Pieces
latecohoc xob
Chocolate Box
What is the meaning of "to have a heart to heart"
To be honest or to have an honest conversation
What is the official bird of Valentine's day?
Dove (colombe)
What is chocolate made from?
Cacao/Coco beans
You love yourself!
Which candy has this slogan?
Bursting with love.
velo opem
Love poem
What is the meaning of "a heart of gold"
To be a nice, kind, and generous person
In which city does Romeo and Juliet take place?
Verona, Italy
Name 3 romance movies
The Notebook, Eternal Sunshine, Elemental, Valentine's Day, etc...
You hate this class
What is the name for the candy that has sweet messages written on them?
rawsro piudcs elvo
Cupid's Love Arrows
What is the meaning of "to set your heart on it"
To want something really bad
I am filled with helium, float in the air, and given as part of a gift. What am I?
A Balloon
What is Cupid's name in Greek mythology?
A) Heros B) Erlina C) Eras D) Heras E) Era
F) Hephaestus G) Eros H) Erias I) Erantis
G) Eros
Say the name of another team
You stole their heart!
Switch (échanger) points with the team you chose
Which candy has this slogan?
You're a great catch.
Swedish fish
pyaph yda enintesval
Happy Valentine's Day
What is the meaning of "to lose heart"?
To be discouraged or give up
Which video-streaming platform was launched on Valentine's Day in 2005?
Which continent produces the most chocolate?
+100 each if you can name the top 4 countries
1. Ivory Coast 2. Ghana 3. Nigeria 4. Cameroon
Choose one person in another team to play 3 round of Rock, Paper, Scissors
If you win +500, If you lose -500
If you win +500, If you lose -500
What is the name of the bite-sized pieces of chocolate that looks like a tear drop?
Hershey Kisses
neo beledvo
Beloved One (bien-aimé)
What is the meaning of "to be head over heels"?
To be in love
What did the stamp say to the envelope?
I'm stuck on you = I'm in love with you
stuck on = n'avoir d'yeux que pour
stuck on = coller
High five (tape dans la main) two people from another team in 10 seconds
You are in love!