What colors are most shown on Valentines day?
red, pink, and white
Which country grows the majority of the roses that are sold in the USA on Valentine's Day?
How many candy conversation hearts are made each year?
over 8 billion
Galentines day is all about declaring love and affection to the friends who make up our support system on February 13th. This unofficial holiday was first referenced in this show:
Parks and Recreaction
Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland and Elvis Presley all got married in what U.S. city?
Las Vegas
What brain chemical is also known as the love hormone?
What flower is given most on Valentines Day?
When were heart shaped boxes of chocolate introduced?
Which famous playwright coined the term “star-crossed lovers?”
On average, how many times does the heart beat per day?
For who is the Holiday named after?
St. Valentine
How many valentines cards are exchanged every year
145 Million
What country spends the most money on valentines day every year?
South Korea
Which 2010 movie stars Jennifer Garner, Julia Roberts, Ashton Kutcher and Jessica Biel?
Valentines Day
Which mammal boasts the largest heart?
the Blue Whale
Which Shakespeare play features Valentine’s Day as a plot element?
A Midsummers Night Dream
What percentage of flowers bought on Valentine's Day are red?
How many coco beans does it take to make a pound of chocolate?
about 400
Who sang “Crazy Little Thing Called Love”?
Rudolph Valentino and Jean Acker hold the Guinness World Record for the shortest marriage. How long did it last?
20 min
What is the named of the little winged baby that hits individuals with arrows to make them fall in love?
What type of cuisine is most popular on Valentines Day?
Popular to give to your Valentine, this sweet is referenced in a popular Forest Gump line
What is a box of chocolates?
This notable romantic poet from 1800s is said to be the inspiration for the first vampire novel.
Lord Byron
According to Statista, what's the least desired Valentine's Day gift by women?
Teddy bear