What colors are most shown on Valentines day?
red, pink, and white
This is the date the Valentine's Day is observed each year.
Feb. 14
Besides Valentines day, which other famous celebration is known for giving flowers as a gift? New year, Mother's day or Teacher's day.
Mother's day
A common symbol shown on Valentines Day
A heart
What is being celebrated on Valentine's Day?
Valentine's Day comes almost two months after which popular event on which cards are also sent?
How do you say “I love you” in Spanish?
Te amo / Te quiero
X symbolizes kisses and O symbolizes hugs.
For who is the Holiday named after?
St. Valentine
What flower is given most on Valentines Day?
What country spends the most money on valentines day every year? South Korea, Venezuela or the United States
South Korea
Which country grows the majority of the roses that are sold in the USA on Valentine's Day?
What percentage of flowers bought on Valentine's Day are red? 49%, 59% or 69%
Popular to give to your Valentine, this sweet is referenced in a popular Forest Gump line
What is a box of chocolates?
Which city is the city of love?
Who sang “Crazy Little Thing Called Love”?
What is the named of the little winged baby that hits individuals with arrows to make them fall in love?
When were heart shaped boxes of chocolate introduced? 1861, 1951, or 2021?
What type of cuisine is most popular on Valentines Day?
How do you say “Happy Valentine’s Day in Spanish
Feliz Dia de San Valentin