The shape or symbol commonly used on this day
the heart
The date for Valentine's Day
February 14th
A common gift given on Valentines Day
flowers and chocolate
The most common colors for Valentines Day
pink and red
Mickey Mouse's sweetheart
Minnie Mouse
If roses are red . . . violets are
The most popular flower given on Valentine's Day
A rose
This candy comes in the shape of a heart and has phrases on it.
conversation hearts
Unscramble this word: rhtsea
What is "hearts"
They are dipped in chocolate
What are strawberries
Cupid comes from ______ mythology
Along with the heart, this is another symbol of Valentine's Day
Which type of chocolate is healthier for you, dark or milk
dark chocolate
Oreos and
The day of the week that Valentine's Day is on this year
Along with Valentine's Day, this holiday sells the most flowers
Mother's Day
How do children celebrate Valentine's Day?
cards of friendship and candy
Unscramble this word: uerfbyra
The O in XOXO means
Roman emperor Claudius was having trouble recruiting men into his army. So he said that nobody could____________. However a priest named Valentine continued performing secret marriages behind Claudius back. When Claudius found out about these secret marriages, he sentenced the priest to death.
be married
In the middle ages, men would do this to pick their Valentine
pick a name out of a bowl
Chocolate is made from this
The cocoa bean
The princess kisses this to turn it into a prince
What is a frog
The phrase LOL means
What is "laugh out loud" or "lots of love"
Valentines day is celebrated widely in the United States, but is not a ________holiday.
federal holiday