Prince Charming calls out to this girl as she leaves his party.
Romeo and Juliet do this at the end of their story
They die
What colors are associated with Valentine's Day?
White, pink, red
You might make these for someone you like for Valentine's Day
What state shares a birthday with Valentine's Day?
Ginny Weasley dates this famous wizard
Harry Potter
Lord Farquaad wants to marry this princess
Princess Fiona
What are appropriate gifts to give someone on valentine's day?
Chocolate, flowers, stuffed animals, valentine cards
Why should you go to the store on February 15th? (The day after Valentine's Day)
Because all the candy will be on sale
In South Korea when people don't get gifts on valentine's day or white day, they go out and eat this with their friends
Can you feel the love tonight? Nala is in love with this character.
What happens to the ship that Jack and Rose meet on?
It sinks
Cupid makes people fall in love by shooting them with this
Name something a couple might do for Valentine's Day
Go out to dinner, go to the park, go on any date, lots of answers
Valentine's Day was named for Saint Valentine. He was sent to this place after helping soldiers get married.
Padme's boyfriend Anakin eventually becomes this villain in a galaxy far far away
Darth Vader
How does Prince Phillip break the sleeping spell on Aurora?
He kisses her
What day is Valentine's Day on?
February 14th
What kind of jewelry is often given as a symbol of love/proposal for marriage?
Is a romantic date to the sewer plant a good date or a bad date?
No. Absolutely not.
Bella's vampire boyfriend Edward does this in the sunlight
He sparkles
What does Flynn Rider do to Rapunzel at the end of Tangled?
He cuts her hair
What is the most popular flower on Valentine's Day?
Name a romantic movie you can watch for Valentine's Day
So many answers
What kind of birds deliver babies?