How much money was spent on candy for Valentine's day 2020? The closest Guess Wins.
Around $2.4 billion
What year was the first Valentine's Day celebrated? The closest guess wins.
496 AD
When is singles awareness day?
February 15th
What does the following "XOXO" translate as?
Hugs and Kisses
Which song by Whitney Houston became her longest run atop the U.S. Billboard Hot 100? Staying at Number One for 14 weeks.
'I Will Always Love You'
How much money did people spend on flowers for Valentine's Day 2020? The closest Guess Wins.
$4.3 billion
Who was St. Valentine?
He was a clergyman – either a priest or a bishop – in the Roman Empire who ministered to persecuted Christians
What is Black Day?
This holiday is an unofficial holiday observed by singles. The day is intentionally contrasted to Valentine's Day
What does the generic (Non-anatomical) heart meant to look like? (Yes this is a real fact)
"A professor of psychology who studied the symbolism, origin, and history of Valentine's Day said the traditional double-lobed heart symbol on candy and cards is inspired by the shape of female buttocks as they appear from behind..." (If you got that right why do you know that?)
The paper greeting card industry is slowly being replaced by what new technology?
How much money was spent on Valentine's Day 2023? The closest guess wins.
Around $25.9 billion
Who is Cupid? (Origins! not the flying baby on cards)
He (according to the Greek Archaic poets) was based on Eros who was a handsome immortal who played with the emotions of Gods and men, using golden arrows to incite love and leaden ones to sow aversion.
When is Black Day?
April 14th
About how many Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged every year?
1 Billion
What was one of the biggest songs of 2010 by Lady Gaga?
'Bad Romance'
What is the Valentine's Day gift that people spend the most on? Double points for whoever guesses how much.
Jewelry is typically spent the most on February 14, usually around $5.8 billion per year
Who is the Holiday named after?
St. Valentine
Where is Black Day usually celebrated?
South Korea
In the 1980s, this industry began to promote Valentine's Day as an occasion for giving what type of gift?
What flower is given most on Valentine's Day?
What is the price tag on the most expensive wedding dress ever made?
$12 million
Who are the Greek & Roman goddess of Love? Double Points for both
Greek: Aphrodite
Roman: Venus
What do singles do on Black Day?
Eat ramen and wear all black.
What word has been dropped from the holiday, further obscuring the origins of this day?
In which country did the Wars of the Roses take place?