What 1987 romantic film features Cher and Nicolas Cage? (Hint: The movie was so successful that it received six nominations at the 60th Academy Awards.)
True or false: St. Valentine is the patron saint of numerous things, including beekeepers and travelers.
What is Cupid the god of?
How many roses are produced for Valentine’s Day?
An estimated 250 million
How did Rose honor Jack’s memory after his passing in Titanic?
She changed her name to Rose Dawson.
Which fifth-century pope declared Feb. 14 would be St. Valentine’s Day?
Pope Gelasius
Cupid is the Roman counterpart to which Greek god?
Eros, the god of love
On average, how much do people plan to spend on Valentine’s Day for their loved ones?
In what romantic movie does Whoopi Goldberg play a psychic?
During which century did Valentine’s Day start to be associated with romance and love?
The 14th century
Cupid is believed to carry arrows that have tips made of which two materials?
Gold and lead. According to legend, if Cupid strikes someone with a gold arrow, they will have the hots for their partner. If Cupid strikes them with a lead arrow, that love will wither.
Which ancient culture believed chocolate was a gift from the gods?
The Aztecs
What romantic movie is based on a book by Nicholas Sparks and features Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams as the leads? (Hint: It’s named after an object.)
The Notebook
Which English king declared Valentine’s Day a holiday in 1537?
King Henry VIII
What are red roses said to symbolize?
Passion and love
According to Norfolk tradition, who leaves gifts on people’s doorsteps on Valentine’s Day?
Jack Valentine
The late Heath Ledger stole our hearts in this late-’90s teen comedy. What’s the name of the film?
10 Things I Hate About You
While Valentine’s Day is associated with romance, some darker events have occurred on the holiday. In which U.S. city did the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre happen on Feb. 14, 1929?
: According to medieval Europeans, Feb. 14 marked the beginning of mating season for which animals?
Birds. That’s why it’s common to see birds as symbols of the holiday on Valentine’s Day cards.
Which Swedish monarch is credited with popularizing the tradition of giving flowers on Valentine’s Day?
King Charles II