What is the primary color for Valentine's Day?
What is the traditional Valentine's flower?
What type of candy is most exchanged on Valentine's Day?
What is celebrated on Valentine's Day?
Friendships/relationships/ love
What day is Valentine's Day celebrated on?
February 14
What animal do you kiss to turn into a prince?
True or False: Men purchase the majority of Valentine’s Day cards
In what Disney movie does a kiss from a prince wake her up?
Sleeping Beauty
In this romantic Disney movie, the woman leaves her tower. Through unlikely adventures and really long hair, the couple finds love
What do you celebrate the day before Valentine's Day
Single's day
Which city is called the City of Love?
Do you know the meaning in X and O in "XOXO"
Kisses and hugs
How long does it take for you love chemicals to settle down?
3/6/9 months
Oxytocin is being released whenever you do what?
Hold the hand of the person you're in love.
Where do feeling's come from?
The brain