What percent (%) of American women send themselves flowers on Valentine's Day?
Besides a heart, what is another symbol for Valentine's Day?
Cupid comes from __________ mythology
What day is valentines day on?
February 14
Why is Valentines Day in Febuary?
Febuary is the month of love
Do men buy more gifts or women?
What part of the body must cupids arrow hit in order to work?
Cupid is the child of _________
What is love
What is the name of the person Valentine's day is named after?
St. Valentine
how many days are there in February?
What flower is most symbolic of Valentine's Day?
A rose
If an apple is cut in half, the number of _________ inside showed how many kids you will have
What are the names of the two most popular candies sold on valentines day?
Candy hearts, and Chocolate heart boxes
What is Valentine's Day the festival of?
How many people in the U.S, partisipate in Valentines Day
About 59%
What percent (%) of owners give pets Valentine's day presents?
What mammal has the largest heart?
The Blue Whale
Long ago woman used to believe that if _______ flew over their head they were going to marry a sailor.
( HINT: It is a type of bird )
A robin
How much money is spent on Valentine's Day?
27.5 Billion
Who created the first heart shaped box of chocolates?
Richard Cadbury
In the Middle Ages men used to ______ names out of a ______ to see who their Valentine would be
Pick, and
Along with Valentine's Day what other holiday sells the most flowers?
Mothers day
How did Valentines Day get it's name?
Valentine's Day took it's name from a priest
What was the first country to celebrate Valentines Day?
The UK