The beginning paragraph of an argumentative essay.
What is the introduction?
This is the part in which you contextualize and introduce the quote.
What is the "say"?
Saying "I want to kill that guy" on the train.
What is not free speech because it involves a threat?
This literary device involves a clear description that appeals to any of the reader's five senses.
What is imagery?
Skipping a multiple choice question you don't know.
What is DON'T because you are NOT penalized for guessing.
Your main argument that is included within the introductory paragraph.
What is claim OR thesis?
This is the part in which you discuss the importance of the quote, and how it connects to your claim.
What is the "matter"?
Saying "I hate Eric Adams so much" in a public school.
What is free speech because it is a criticism of a politician in a public school?
This is the definition of tone.
What is the attitude of the author towards the subject?
Writing the text analysis essay as a summary of the text.
What is DON'T: You must explain how a literary device develops the central idea.
This is the paragraph that describes what other people believe.
What is the counterclaim paragraph?
This is the part in which you explain the quote.
What is the "mean"?
Saying "I want to get rid of the principal" at a private school.
What is not protected as free speech because this is a private school.?
This is the literary device that describes a recurring symbol throughout a story.
What is a motif?
Using two out of four total texts for the argumentative essay?
What is DON'T, you must use at least 3.
This is the part of the essay that describes why what others believe is incorrect.
What is the rebuttal/refutation?
This often uses this signal phrase: "This is significant because..."
What is the matter?
Standing outside the white house with a group of protestors, and setting an American flag on fire because you hate something the president did.
What is protected because burning the flag is protected under free speech?
This is the literary device that describes something like a police station getting robbed.
What is irony?
In the argumentative essay, briefly acknowledging the opposing claim just to explain why it is wrong.
What is DO: You should achieve this in your counterclaim and rebuttal!
Create the regents-style in text citation for the following: Text 1, "Why Trees are so Important," Bobby Garner.
(Text 1) or (Garner, Text 1).
This sentence would be good for the ___: This implies that she was much more intelligent than those around her realized.
What is the "mean"?
A group of students decide to protest Yondr pouches, so they lay down in the hallway in between periods blocking a fourth floor stairwell.
What is not free speech because it disrupts the educational process?
This is the definition of apophasis.
What is saying you don't mean to bring something up for the specific purpose of bringing it up ("I don't want to say this is my favorite class, I'm just having so much fun.")
Using this topic sentence for the textual analysis essay: In the text "The Intelligence test, the author uses irony and a first person point of view to develop the idea that people with disabilities are not inherently less capable.