This Valentine staple communicates love and passion.
Red Rose
February 3rd is the national holiday for this blonde dog
Golden Retriever
This royal couple ended in tragedy when one of the two passed away just a year after they divorced.
Princess Diana and Prince Charles
This is Valentine's Day's most famous treat.
This red item pumps the blood through your body.
This flower is the flower of February and is named after its color.
February 15th celebrates these little colorful candies typically used as buttons for gingerbread men.
This couple has a movie starring Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal, often said to be the best romantic comedy of all time.
When Harry Met Sally
These small hard candies come with messages of love.
Sweet Tarts
This red fruit is often covered in chocolate for an even sweeter bite around Valentine's Day.
This type of flower typically comes associated with new beginnings.
White Rose
February 7th celebrates this famous white sauce pasta.
Fettuccine Alfredo
These musical highschoolers shared their love with us in the 1978 movie Grease.
Sandy and Danny
These small baked goods are perfect for making into whatever fits best for the occasion.
This item seems green at first till you take a look at it's delicious inside.
This flower is most often thought of with childhood and happiness, or motherhood and children in Norse mythology.
February 28th is the day of this famous mythical creature who makes sure children are paid when they put a certain item under their pillow
Tooth Fairy
These two tragic love birds were the main characters in the Titanic movie.
Rose and Jack
This sugary alcohol-based drink is the perfect way to set the mood.
This healthy vegetable is often juiced into an earthy deep red liquid.
This flower is associated with youth and cheerfulness, it also shares part of its name with a famous peanut flavored treat.
February 1st is all about this sweet treat known for its health benefits in moderation and ability to treat headaches.
Dark Chocolate
These partners in crime both literally and figuratively were so infamous they had a movie made about them in 1967.
Bonnie and Clyde
These soft and puffy treats come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and even colors to gift to others.
This insect sports a beautiful red back with black polkadots.