And darling I will be loving you 'til were 70
What is Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran
What element makes up the majority of earth's atmosphere?
What is Nitrogen
Pink Friday is the 2010 debut album of what music artist?
Who is Nicki Minaj
Valentine's Day was named after this martyr.
Who is Saint Valentine (270 CE)
one that assumes false identity or title for the purpose of deception
What is an imposter
If the world was ending, I'd wanna be next to you
What is "Die with a Smile" by Bruno Mars and Lady Gaga
"en plein air" is an art term that means what?
To paint outside
What movie features a group of four "Pink Ladies?"
What is "Grease"
What word denotes a chubby, angelic-looking baby with wings
What is a Cherub
What is an inbox
Everywhere I'm lookin' now, I'm surrounded by your embrace
What is 'halo' by Beyonce
What is the third level of earth's atmosphere?
What is the Mesosphere
This saying about spectacles means that you see things in an overly optomistic way... with these on you can't see 'red flags'
What are "rose-colored glasses"
According to Roman mythology, who is the son of Mercury and Venus
Who is Cupid
an order of invertebrates (animals without backbones) that belong to the greater crustacean group of animals
What are Isopods
If I should stay, I would only be in your way
So I'll go, but I know I'll think of you every step of the way
What is "I will always love you by Whitney Houston (or Dolly Parton)
a type of exercise that breaks down glucose in the body without using oxygen
what is anaerobic exercise
What do Flamingoes eat that cause them to be pink?
What is Algae (specifically beta-carotene in the algae)
Romance is linked to Valentine's Day due to the medieval belief that the mating season of what animal begins on Feb. 14?
What is Birds
a large brownish antelope of southeastern Africa that in the male has slender curved horns with ridges... not usually tame
what is an impala
Now that she's back from that soul vacation, Tracing her way through the constellations
What is "Drops of Jupiter" by Train
These are tiny air sacs in the lungs that allow oxygen to pass into the blood.
What are Alveoli
In the Barbie Movie, Barbie drives a baby pink version of this make of car.
What is a Corvette
What is 14
the son of Daedalus who escapes imprisonment but drowns when the wax of his wings melts as he flies too near the sun
Who is Icarus