The location of our first date
What is Chilis
What was the date (ex: 01/01/1999) we first went to Towson
When is 08/03/2023
What was the first movie we saw together
What is Avatar
Who is the GOAT?
What was your Pook/_____ Nickname prior to Mort
What is Boo Bear
The location of our first Kiss
What is Rc Theaters parking lot
What is the date of the first wedding we attended
What is the first show that we finished together
Who is the football Goat?
Tom Brady
What is the Nickname for when monty is being bad
Who is Naughty Monty or Trog
!DAILY DOUBLE! First game we played together (excluding I message)
What is the Sims 3
What was the date was the last time we saw each other before I left
When is 12/31/2023
What is the first movie we watched together over facetime/discord
What is breakfast at tiffanys
What is Kid
What is the animal species that you share a nickname with.
What is a mouse Lemur (Lemur accepted)
The day we met
What is January 10th 2023
What is the date that we first celebrated my birthday
What is the oldest movie we’ve watched together
What is Shanghai Express
!DAILY DOUBLE! Who is the steroid era goat for baseball
Who is Barry Bonds
What was the Nickname I gave tilly when she repped her classic Purple hoodie
Who is Lil Till
First Holliday we spent together
What is Valentines 2023
What is the date we got monty
When is 11/13/2024
Whos is our most watched Actor/Actress together across Tv and Movies
Who is the only character to win MVP and finals MVP in the MLB (Mario baseball league)
Who is Peter Piranah
What is the first pet name either of us called each other (sourced Feb 2023 texts)
What is Babe or BB