This couple is known as the first husband and wife in the Bible.
Who are Adam and Eve?
The Bible says this type of love is the greatest of all.
What is agape love?
This man loved Jesus so much that he walked on water towards Him (for a moment, at least).
Who is Peter?
This piece of jewelry is a modern symbol of commitment, but in Genesis 24, Rebekah received one when she was chosen to be Isaac’s wife.
What is a ring?
This verse is often called the “Golden Verse” of the Bible because it explains how much God loved the world.
What is John 3:16?
He worked seven extra years to marry the love of his life, Rachel.
Who is Jacob?
This well-known chapter is often called the "Love Chapter" of the Bible.
What is 1 Corinthians 13?
In one of the most famous parables, this outsider showed love to a wounded man when others ignored him.
Who is the Good Samaritan?
This fragrant spice was gifted to Jesus at His birth and is also mentioned in the Song of Solomon as a symbol of love.
What is myrrh?
In Romans 8, Paul declares that nothing can separate us from what?
What is the love of God?
This Old Testament king had 700 wives and 300 concubines.
Who is Solomon?
This New Testament book says, “We love because He first loved us.”
What is 1 John?
This woman poured expensive perfume on Jesus' feet, wiping them with her hair, as an act of love and devotion.
Who is Mary of Bethany?
In Hosea, God compares His love for Israel to this lifelong commitment between a man and woman.
What is marriage?
Jesus showed the greatest act of love by doing this for our sins.
What is dying on the cross?
This Moabite woman remained faithful to her mother-in-law after her husband’s death and later married Boaz.
Who is Ruth?
In the Song of Solomon, love is compared to this powerful and unyielding force.
What is death?
This Old Testament father was willing to sacrifice his beloved son, trusting God’s plan.
Who is Abraham?
The Bible compares Jesus’ love for the Church to this human relationship.
What is a husband and wife? – Ephesians 5:25
In Luke 15, Jesus tells a parable about a father who shows unconditional love to his wayward son. What is this parable called?
What is the Parable of the Prodigal Son?
This prophet was commanded by God to marry a woman who would be unfaithful, as a symbol of God’s love for Israel.
Who is Hosea?
Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love God, but what is the second greatest?
What is "Love your neighbor as yourself"? – Matthew 22:39
This disciple was described as “the one whom Jesus loved.”
Who is John?
In Revelation, Jesus refers to Himself as this precious stone, symbolizing love and faithfulness.
What is the Cornerstone? – Revelation 21:14
This Old Testament book contains a verse where God declares, “I have loved you with an everlasting love.”
What is Jeremiah? – Jeremiah 31:3