Which famous playwright coined the term "star-crossed lovers?"
William Shakespeare
According to the National Confectioners Association, how many cocoa beans does it take to make a pound of chocolate?
On average, how many times does the average heart beat per day?
The healthiest drink ever
According to Roman mythology, who is the son of Mercury and Venus?
In the movie "Titanic," what's the name of Rose's necklace?
Which U.S. Founding Father is said to have sold chocolate out of his print shop in Philadelphia?
Benjamin Franklin
The mammal with the largest heart of any other mammal
How many calories are in a glass of champagne?
On what date is Galentine's Day observed?
February 13
In the movie "Sleepless in Seattle," where do Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan meet face-to-face for the first time?
At the top of the Empire State Building
Which month is designated National Candy Month?
A. True
B. False
B. False
This drink (warm or cold) is full of heart-healthy compounds that help fight inflammation and cell damage
With a population of 108 people, which U.S. state is home to the town of Valentine?
The Leonard Bernstein Broadway musical "West Side Story" is based on what literary classic?
William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Approximately how many roses are produced for Valentine's Day each year?
250 Million
The average heart is the size of this in an adult
Energy Drinks
What compound found in cocoa makes chocolate toxic to dogs?
In 50 First Dates, what was Lucy's job before the accident?
Art Teacher
What Christian martyr is considered the patron saint of lovers?
Saint Valentine
The amount of gallons of blood your heart pumps every day
2,000 gallons
This can ramp down the effects of the sympathetic nervous system - your body's gas pedal, responsible for fight or flight mechanism.
Beetroot Juice
What brain chemical is known as the "cuddle" or "love hormone?"