Listening, paying attention, and showing interest in the other person is considered level ___ of validation in DBT?
What is Level 1!!!
Validation means approval!
What is a dialectics?
What is the both/ands! Dialectics takes into account two opposites that can be true at the same time.
Being told that your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors in a certain situation are "crazy," "an overreaction," or "stupid" are examples of what?
Invalidation :(
All behavior is what?
Summarizing what you've heard is what level of validation?
What is Level 2!
When you validate someone else, it means that you are telling that their feelings, thoughts, and behaviors make sense and are understandable to you in the context of that situation
How do we when we are in black/white thinking?
What is when we are speaking in nevers and always!
When is invalidation painful?
What is when you are being ignored, you are being misinterpreted, important facts in your life are ignored or denied, you are receiving unequal treatment, etc..
What skill can you use to see if the intensity of the emotion you are experiencing fits the facts?
What is the Check the Facts?
Sidenote: Why is this skill so important?
What does Miss Marsha mean when she says "Read Minds" when validating?
"Reading Minds" refers to reading/taking into account an individuals facial expressions and body language.
When you validate, you validate everything including the invalid.
Nope... pls don't do that, that is false :0
You can understand why somebody is feeling or behaving in a certain way AND...
also disagree with their behavior and ask that it be changed!
When is invalidation helpful?
What is when it corrects important mistakes and when it stimulates intellectual and personal growth by listening to other views.
What is a skill you can use to practice self-validation?
What is loving kindness!
This level of validation is helpful when you have known someone for a while and involves connecting the other person's past to their current choices
What is Level 5; Validating using past history!
Validation is not important for maintaining healthy relationships.
You can be mad at somebody AND...
also love and respect the person.
How does someone recover from traumatic invalidation?
What is self-validation?
You can learn the skills AND...
they have to be generalized and implemented in your everyday lives to see the benefits of them :)
Level 6 includes treating the other person as a real person with real feelings which is also known as?
What is Radical Genuineness :)
All you need to do is to keep eye contact in order to validate someone's feelings.
False... yes this helps AND you still have to engage in the conversation.
You can want to change and be doing the best you can AND...
still need to do better, try harder, and be more motivated to change!
What kills shame?
Why is validation important?
- Validation is a way to increase emotional closeness in a relationship. People who use validating language have higher relationship satisfaction, feel more supported, and better manage their emotions.
- Validating others' thoughts and feelings is a foundational part of effective relationships.
- Validation shows you acknowledge that what they are sharing with you truly matters.
- It also shows you are listening, understanding, and not judging the other person.