Vilket år "grundades" USA?
What year was the US founded?
Vilket presidentnummer har Joe Biden?
Which presidential number does Joe Biden have?
Vad heter titeln vice guvernören i delstaterna på engelska?
What is the formal title of the vice Governor?
Lieutenant Governor
I vilken delstat ligger Mount Rushmore?
Mount Rushmore is in which state?
South Dakota
Vem sjöng låten "American Pie"?
Who sang "American Pie"?
Don McLean
Vilket år genomfördes "the Civil Rights Act of XXXX"? (Den mest kända)
What year did the "Civil Rights Act of XXXX" pass? (The famous one)
Vem var president när MUF grundades 1934?
Who was President when MUF was founden in 1934?
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Har representanthuset eller senaten makt att neka tillsättandet av en minister?
Is it the House of Representatives or the Senate that have the power to refuse the appointment of a cabinet member?
Vilken är den minst befolkade delstaten?
Which is the least populated state?
Vart spelar NBA-laget Timberwolves?
Where does the NBA team nicknamed Timberwolves play?
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Which year did the Civil War start?
Vilken president sa / Which President said:
"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I’m from the government, and I’m here to help'"?
Ronald Reagan
Vad är första meningen i "the second amendment" i konstitutionen?
What the first sentece in the second amendment?A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Vilken delstat kalls för "the Beehive State"?
Which state is nicknamed the Beehive State?
Hur många slagmän finns i ett basebollag?
How many batters in a baseballteam?
Vem är på bilden?
Who's in the picture?
Robert E. Lee
Vilken är presidenten med en nationalpark uppdöpt efter sig?
Which President has a national park named after him?
Theodore Roosevelt
Varför är 3 det minsta antal elektorsröster en delstat kan ha?
Why is 3 the least number of electoral votes a state can have?
Mängden elektorsröster ska vara lika som mängden platser en delstat har i representanthuset + senaten
Nämn de tre största städerna i Tennessee
Name the three biggest cities in Tennessee
Nashville, Memphis, Knoxville
I Nashville finns "countrymusikens mecka", vad heter teatern?
What's the name of the famous country-theater in Nashville?
The Grand Ole Opry
Which year did Oregon become a state?
Vem var president mellan James K. Polk & Millard Fillmore?
Who was president inbetween James K. Polk & Millard Fillmore?
Vad heter kandidaterna i årets senatorsval i Montana?
What's the names of the two candidates in this years senate election in Montana?
Jon Tester (D) & Tim Sheehy (R)
Vilka fyra delstater går motorvägen I-29 igenom?
Which four states does the I-29 run through?
North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Missouri
Vem regisserade den kända filmen?
Who directed this famous movie?
Sergio Leone