Accounting & Financial Topics
Motor Oil & Technical Q's
Operations Topics
Policy & Environmental Topics
HR Topics

Scan the Groupon into the offer code line in the POS, voucher starts with ANGP, tell customer they get a one-time 15% off discount for anything additional recommended, finalize invoice using "Groupon" or "Expired Groupon"

Explain the steps to properly accept a Groupon 

API standards the oil meets, viscosity of the oil, whether it is energy or resource conserving.

What is in the API donut?


Check emails, the property, make sure orders were received properly, make sure the schedule was followed the day prior.

What should you do when you come in after your days off?


Get credentials, notify DM or Glenn, walk them around, take notes, and do not lie.

What do you do if an EPA/DE/DEP agent shows up asking to inspect your center?


Verbal (document these warnings), written, suspension, termination; to ensure uniformity and accuracy; to ensure we are acting properly and uniformly with our disciplinary process. Forms are found on MyVito in the HR Tab.

Explain the 4 forms of discipline; Why is it important to use the pre-written PAF Templates;Why is it important to consult with your DM before you proceed with disciplinary actions?


Make sure the dollar amounts match, services are approved, and work orders are finalized once the work is complete.

What are some key factors when processing a Holman or Auto Integrate fleet?


Turbo Gasoline Direct Injection

Have you heard of the term TGDI and what does it stand for?

COG & Labor; you'll need to name a few ways to manage them.

Are you familiar with your store's P&L? What are your two biggest expenses?


Anytime a customer is in the shop they must be escorted and we must stand between them and any dangerous obstacles.

What is the handle to handle policy?


Submit case and supporting documentation to your DM.

What do you do when you feel one of your employees needs to be terminated?

Helpdesk; never start unplugging things they may ask you to. Call Vito or Anderson; Anderson or DM

Who do you contact with a POS issue? Who do you contact with hardware issues?


Smaller displacement and reduced emissions without sacrificing performance.

Why are manufacturers converting to TGDI engines?


Cost of goods is negatively affected; ordering and correct inventory is thrown off. It takes three months to correct a bad inventory.

What are the consequences of doing a poor inventory? How long does it take to work out the problems associated with doing a poor inventory?


Verify the driver did not spill anything. Once he leaves you own it/check in the produces, proper RM.

What steps do you take when reviewing a bulk order? A packaged order?


Employer Accident Investigation Form, Employee Incident Questionnaire, Witness Statement Form, HIPAA Form; You have 24 hours to submit to HR.

What are the forms used to report an employee injury? How long do you have to get these forms submitted and to who?


Check the inches in the tank before & after to make sure the driver notes the correct amount taken. Receive in Central and send to paperless.

What should you do when your waste oil is getting picked up?


Low Speed Pre-Ignition (LSPI). Where uncontrolled combustion causes higher pressure in the cylinder at low engine speeds, causing engine noise, rough idle, and/or piston damage.

What is the major concern of TDGI engines?


Resolve within 24 hours and communicate back to Customer Care; Escalation

What do you do if you revise a complaint from Customer Care? What happens if you don't close it out properly & timely?


Explain super start- get them a uniform, get them clocked in, introduce them to the team, start them on VIOC U, start them on the book.

Describe the first day of work for a new employee.


Employee Handbook- located on MyVito in the HR Tab.

Where can information about our policies and benefits be found?


Ability for marketing to target more customers in a quick, cost-effective manner; What email would you like your invoice sent to?

Why is it important to collect email addresses? What is the specific wording of the Paperless Process?


Where can you get information on moron oils for learning or your customers?


Employee Team

What is your most valuable resource as a store manager?


Fluid specs and amounts, torque specs, lift points, diagrams, belt routing.

What are some of the informational features offered on the Tech Info page in the POS?


Notify HR to see if they qualify for FMLA.

What should you do if one of your employees notifies you that they need an extended amount of time off?
