Entering Class
During Class Expectations
Class Dismissal
To and Fro
Classroom Rules

The time that you should be sitting in your assigned desk, with your personal belongings put away and your English materials out

What is "when the bell rings?"


What to do if you have a question

What is do not interrupt me when I am talking, raise your hand, and wait to be called on?


What to do with Mrs. Cole's shared classroom supplies in the last two minutes of class?

What is return them nicely to the correct container?


When to use the bathroom

What is going to the bathroom during passing period or when I am not talking (work time)?


The number one, most important classroom rule

What is to be respectful to yourself, your classmates, and your teacher? 


What to do when you walk in the classroom

What is come in quietly and get out "sponge?"


YES: Waiting for the appropriate time to get a tissue or sharpen a pencil

NO: Wandering around the classroom, visiting with classmates

What is "leaving my seat?"


What to do with classwork

What is turning in anything that is due for the day and putting all other classwork away in folder?


Getting permission to go to leave the room

What is waiting patiently for the appropriate time, asking permission, and signing out with first and last name legibly?


Must be off the noggin' completely

What is Hoods, hats, and other headgear?


Not having all your materials ready for class, not being inside the room when the bell rings. 

What is tardy?


Not talking, working on CLASS WORK, if done/don't have any classwork, the student should read AR.

What is work time/team study time?


Dismissal rules -- where to stand, who dismisses you

What is waiting by your desk to be dismissed by Ms. VanOeveren?


When you get a pass from Ms. VanOeveren in 4th hour

What is missing assignment or lunch detention?

You must come talk to me if you are not sure or it will count as a skip and you will earn another detention.


Must be out of sight from bell to bell or it is taken

What are tech decks, toys, and other fidgits?

Writing your full name -- first and last -- legibly, and correctly on the sheet for that day

What is "how to record a tardy/use the tardy sheet?"


Team Study Question! 

Once every person has their book open and is actively reading

What is "15 minute reading timer" starts?


4th hour question!

When I can dismiss you for lunch if the class is behaving well

What is 10:58?


When you can use the bathroom during team study in Ms. VanOeveren's room

What is "only in an emergency or when all my work is done?"


Must stay on the ground at all times?

What are all four legs of both desk and chair?


The consequence for not using the tardy sheet correctly

Lunch detention with Ms. VanOeveren!


working on classwork and NOT playing games

What is using a classroom laptop?


Eighth hour question!

Your special, end-of-the-day responsibilities

What is stacking the chairs and cleaning up the classroom (any paper or pencils left on the floor are picked up)?


When it's an EMERGENCY and there is going to be a MESS if you don't leave that second

What is "the only time it's okay to leave the room without talking to Ms. VanOeveren?"


Earning a Consequence

What are three strikes?
