You are hanging out with some of your friends and they ask you if you want an alcoholic drink. What do you say?
You say "No thank you."
Peer Pressure
You told your friends "No" to an alcoholic drink. They keep asking why you will not take the drink and keep trying to tell you "Just one sip." What do you do?
You walk away and go tell a trusted adult about the situation you are in.
True or False
Vaping is safer than smoking
False. They have the same harmful things that could happen to you, they are also both very addictive causing long term causes.
Vape Facts
What is the addictive substance that you find in cigarettes?
Alcohol Facts
What is alcohol?
Alcohol is an addictive depressant that can make you forget things and make you behave in a way that you normally would not do.
You friend offers you a vape while you guys are hanging out. What do you do?
Politely decline but also remind them of the dangers that it could cause.
Peer Pressure
If all of your friends vape and drink whenever they are with you, what do you do?
You always politely remind them of the harm that they can cause and say "No thank you" whenever you get asked to participate. You can also tell a trusted adult.
True or False
Alcohol isn't harmful because it is legal.
False. If you have too much of it then it could cause your feelings to be different than normal and cause you to do things you normally wouldn't do.
Vape Facts
What is a vape?
A vape is a device used for inhaling vapor that contains harmful substances like nicotine and has flavoring.
Alcohol Facts
How early was alcohol invented?
People in your family are smoking and tell you there are harmful things that can happen but it makes everything feel better. What do you do?
You tell them some long term causes that can happen just like lung cancer and you state that it makes things worse, not better.
Peer Pressure
You are at a party and people there offer you a vape and if you do not take it they say "You are a loser." What do you do?
You politely decline the offer, leave the party, and go tell a trusted adult.
True or False
There are more cons than pros of vaping and drinking.
True. Although people think that there are very few cons, they can be long lasting and super harmful. For example, vaping and smoking could lead you to having Emphysema or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease which are both very harmful to the lungs.
Vape Facts
What has happened to vapes and cigarettes over the years?
The use of vapes and cigarettes has rapidly increased over the years. The more and more people who are using it, the more and more health risks go up.
Alcohol Facts
Who were the first to use alcohol?
There were multiple cultures and civilizations who used alcohol. For example, there were the Greeks, Sumerians, Romans, British, and the Chinese.
You notice that one of your friends that is under the age of drinking, begins drinking. What do you do?
You go up to them and tell them all of the harms that could happen if they continue what they are doing. You also tell a trusted adult so that your friend can get the help they need before it gets bad.
Peer Pressure
You are with some people you have just met. They pull out a vape and tell you that if you do not take it, you will regret it. What do you do?
You tell them no, walk away, and go tell a trusted adult as soon as you can.
True or False
Alcohol can worsen current mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.
True. Alcohol can mess with your feelings and emotions and even though people use it to help with feelings, it actually makes it worse causing mental health conditions to worsen over time.
Vape Facts
Are there anything good about vapes?
No. Vapes are very harmful to your brain and body. You can get multiple health issues and even though people say that it helps them with things, little do they know that it actually makes things worse.
Alcohol Facts
Has the percentage of usage increased or decreased?
Over the years, the use of alcohol between the ages 18 and at least 55 has increased at a fast rate.
You are at a party with some older friends who can drink legally. They say that they are ready to leave and start heading to the door after a few drinks. What do you do?
You tell them that since they have had some drinks, it would be best for them not to drive because you never know what could happen.
Peer Pressure
You are with your cousins and they grab some alcohol even though they are underage. They say that if you don't consume some then they will tell the family it was all you. What do you do?
You tell them no, you will not be drinking alcohol underage and you leave to go tell an adult that you trust.
True or False
Prescription drugs are always safe because your doctor prescribes them.
False. If you abuse the medications you are given, it could cause you to have side effects because you took more than you were supposed to.
Vape Facts
How can you get the help you need?
You can always go to a trusted adult and tell them what you are feeling and they could bring you to a hospital so that you can get the treatment and they could also bring you to a therapist so you can take your feelings out there instead of vaping.
Alcohol facts
How can I get the help I need?
You can tell a trusted adult and get taken to a hospital to get the treatment you need and you can also be taken to a therapist to take your feelings out there instead of through alcohol.