Name one thing that keeps teens from starting to vape.
Parent disapproval, athletic commitments, perception of risk, healthy coping skills, peers
What are chromium, benzene, and formaldehyde?
Known cancer causing chemicals found in the aerosol around people vaping.
True or False: all juul pods contain nicotine.
TRUE. All pods created by the Juul company have nicotine in them.
How might vaping impact dental health?
Vaping is associated with gum and mouth disease, tooth loss, bad breath.
How might marijuana impact learning and memory?
Marijuana impairs learning and memory because THC binds to receptors in the hippocampus and blocks the development of new memories.
Demonstrate a way to say "no."
Walking away, giving a reason why they can't, just saying no, responding with humor etc.
What percent of teens who thought they were NOT vaping nicotine, actually were?
What does vaping one Juul pod a day for a full year cost?
How might marijuana impact one's driving?
Marijuana distorts the sense of time and space, slow reaction time and reduce judgement.
What is this a picture of?
Katy Perry vaping.
Positive messages about vaping can be found everywhere, including pictures of celebrities. This does NOT make vaping healthy or safe for teens.
What is this a picture of?
Fungus! Both fungal and bacterial toxins have been found in vape devices.
How many Juul ads contain these words: cancer, bronchitis, asthma?
How might vaping impact driving?
Vaping while driving is distracted driving.
What is the relationship between marijuana use and mental health?
Anxiety, depression and psychotic like symptoms have all been linked with marijuana use.
Name a resource teens who want accurate information about vaping.
Catch My Breath, Juulers Against Juuling, Student Assistance Counselor
Name a health risk of inhaling nicotine.
Addiction, impaired executive functioning, lung inflammation, seizures
Teens who vape are how much more likely to use traditional cigarettes?
What percent of 8th graders have NOT used marijuana in the past month?
About 95%
What is popcorn lung?
A lung disease caused by inhaling diacetyl, the "butter" flavoring in vapes. Other flavors including vanilla and cinnamon are also toxic to lung and heart tissues.
Your lungs are not your stomach - things that are safe to eat may not be safe to inhale.
One pack of cigarettes (20)
True or False: vapes can contain drugs other than nicotine?
TRUE! Almost anything can be in a vape.
Name one big concern about vaping nicotine.