This chemical in vape liquid is also found in cigarettes and is highly addictive.
True or False: Vaping can make it easier to get addicted to other substances.
True or False: Vaping is safer than smoking traditional cigarettes.
False! Vaping is harmful and the long-term effects are still unknown.
Regular use of vape products requires resources, which can lead to this type of issue, especially among youth who are not employed.
Cost and financial burden
Vape companies use this type of marketing to target youth.
Colourful packages and flavours
True or False: Vaping is completely harmless because you only inhale water vapour.
False, the cloud you inhale is an aerosol filled with harmful chemicals, metals, and oils.
Addiction to nicotine can impair these functions of the brain, which negatively impacting academic success.
Concentration, memory, and focus.
(Any one answer wins)
True or False: Vape pods contain much less nicotine than cigarettes
False! One vape pod can contain as much nicotine as an entire 20-pack of cigarettes
Vaping can become a trend among friend groups, causing this type of pressure for individuals to start using e-cigarettes to feel included.
Peer pressure.
The tobacco industry uses this platform most to market vapes to teens.
Social media
Non-vapers who are exposed to vapour are at risk for this.
Second hand smoke/vapour
You can ask these people for help with quitting vaping or smoking.
A doctor, pharmacist, teacher, parent, guidance counsellor, coach, etc.
(Any one answer wins)
True or False: Vapes are approved to help people quit smoking cigarettes.
False! Canada has not approved any e-cigarette products to help people quit smoking.
Vaping can cause tension among these main social groups.
Family and friends
True or False: It is illegal for companies to advertise vaping products to minors.