What is Vaping?
Inhaling and exhaling vapor from an electronic cigarette (e-cigarette)
Name a short term effect of vaping.
coughing, throat irritation, and difficulty breathing
What are some physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal?
Irritability, headaches, and fatigue, anxiety.
How long does it take for nicotine to reach the brain after vaping?
7 seconds
How many kids do I have?
Name one common device used for vaping
e-cigarettes, vape pens, Juul
How can vaping impact brain development in teenagers?
Nicotine can harm brain development (affecting attention, learning, mood, decision making)
How does vaping affect lung health over time?
Vaping can lead to lung inflammation and damage, increasing the risk of respiratory problems.
True or False. Vaping can lower your IQ.
How many pets do I have?
4 dogs
What's the addictive ingredient in vape liquids?
True or False: Lung disease is associated with vaping
True! Cancer and EVALI (e-cigarette/vaping-associated lung injury) are some of the diseases with repeated use of vaping
True or false: Vape liquids can contain harmful chemicals besides nicotine.
True. Vape liquids may contain harmful substances such as formaldehyde
What is the name of the chemical your brain releases when you are happy?
How long I have been a School Counselor?
a. 25 or more years
b. 20 years
c. 15 years
25 or more years
Is nicotine-free vaping safe?
True or False: Fruit-flavored vapes are healthier than regular vapes!
False! Chemicals in fruit-flavored vapes can be especially harmful when heated
How can vaping impact your teeth?
Vaping can contribute to dry mouth (bad breath), gum inflammation, tooth decay.
Nicotone can cause problems with attention and short term memory. True or False.
Before I came to Chatham Charter where was I a School Counselor?
Chatham County
True or False: Vaping is a safe-alternative to smoking
False! Vaping has risks and can lead to negative health effects!
How can a nictone addiction affect your life later on?
Young people who are addicted to nicotine are more likely to become addicted to other substances.
Name 3 body parts that vaping can have a negative effect on.
What part of the brain does nicotine significantly impact?
a. cerebrum
b. pre-frontal cortex
c. cerebellum
b. pre-frontal cortex
What city do I live in?