What organ does vaping negatively affect the most?
True or False:
Vaping make it more likely to develop other addictions in the future (ex. cocaine)?
Ways to get help for vaping addiction
Reach out with an adult/professional
Get a "Quit Buddy"
Find alternatives
Change your routine
True or False:
Inhaling vape does not bring any harmful chemicals into your body.
What social effects does vaping have?
worsened mental health and slower athletic performance
What is a vape?
Addictive devices powered by batteries that have flavored nicotine and other chemicals
What areas of your health does vaping affect?
Social, environmental, and personal aspects of your life
What are short term problems of vaping?
coughing and shortness of breath
Why has vaping become a problem?
mental health
influence from peers
True or False:
Vaping has a positive effect on brain development
What are the long term effects of vaping?
Lung disease, heart disease, and cancer
Mental Health Factors of Vaping
Stress reliever
Way of coping with depression
True or False
People who have ever used e-cigarettes are 4 times more likely to become smokers in comparison to those who have never smoked.
E-cigarette users are 7 times more likely.
Does smoking increase or decrease alcohol cravings?
Is alcohol and tobacco a "gateway drug" that leads to other harmful drugs?