Experiment 1
Experiment 2
Experiment 3
Experiment 4
Experiment 5
John was going to test an experiment on frogs. The test was based on that the deeper a frog is underwater, the colder its skin gets. What is the IV?
The depth of the water
Tom wants to see the minimum heat to boil an egg on a frying pan. He will increase the heat of the stove by 1 degree after every test. What is the IV?
The heat of the stove
Mike is testing if when you add more water to a water-salt mixture, the longer time it will take for the salt to crystallize. He will have a control 1 liter of water and 5 teaspoons of salt. He will also have a test of 1 1/2 liters of water and 5 teaspoons of salt. He will check every day and record the results. What is the IV?
The amount of water
Jeff is testing that slipping on a banana peel is as dangerous as slipping on soap. He will wear safety gear and step on each and see how much of an impact it has on him. Then he will record the data and check the results. What is the IV?
The soap and banana
Bob is seeing if earthquakes effects your hearing. He will listen to a sound and then enter an earthquake simulator. While it is on, he will try to listen for the same sound. He will record how well he hears it, 1-10. What is the IV?
Regular world and then changing to an earthquake
John was going to test an experiment on frogs. The test was based on that the deeper a frog is underwater, the colder its skin gets. What is the DV?
How cold the frogs skin gets
Tom wants to see the minimum heat to boil an egg on a frying pan. He will increase the heat of the stove by 1 degree after every test. What is the DV?
The minimum heat to boil an egg
Mike is testing if when you add more water to a water-salt mixture, the longer time it will take for the salt to crystallize. He will have a control 1 liter of water and 5 teaspoons of salt. He will also have a test of 1 1/2 liters of water and 5 teaspoons of salt. He will check every day and record the results. What is the DV?
How long it takes for the salt to crystallize
Jeff is testing that slipping on a banana peel is as dangerous as slipping on soap. He will wear safety gear and step on each and see how much of an impact it has on him. Then he will record the data and check the results. What is the DV?
How dangerous it is (how hard the fall)
Bob is seeing if earthquakes effects your hearing. He will listen to a sound and then enter an earthquake simulator. While it is on, he will try to listen for the same sound. He will record how well he hears it, 1-10. What is the DV?
How well he hears sounds
John was going to test an experiment on frogs. The test was based on that the deeper a frog is underwater, the colder its skin gets. What is the CV?
The same water, same frog, same environment, same time of day and you have to be sure that the frog is dry when it enters the water
Tom wants to see the minimum heat to boil an egg on a frying pan. He will increase the heat of the stove by 1 degree after every test. What is the CV?
The stove, pan, type of egg, environment and lighting.
Mike is testing if when you add more water to a water-salt mixture, the longer time it will take for the salt to crystallize. He will have a control 1 liter of water and 5 teaspoons of salt. He will also have a test of 1 1/2 liters of water and 5 teaspoons of salt. He will check every day and record the results. What is the CV?
Lighting, environment, salt type and water type (salty or fresh)
Jeff is testing that slipping on a banana peel is as dangerous as slipping on soap. He will wear safety gear and step on each and see how much of an impact it has on him. Then he will record the data and check the results. What is the CV?
How dangerous it is
Bob is seeing if earthquakes effects your hearing. He will listen to a sound and then enter an earthquake simulator. While it is on, he will try to listen for the same sound. He will record how well he hears it, 1-10. What is the CV?
The sound at the same volume
John was going to test an experiment on frogs. The test was based on that the deeper a frog is underwater, the colder its skin gets. What is the definition of IV?
What changes in the experiment
Tom wants to see the minimum heat to boil an egg on a frying pan. He will increase the heat of the stove by 1 degree after every test. What is the definition of the CV?
What stays the same throughout the experiment
Mike is testing if when you add more water to a water-salt mixture, the longer time it will take for the salt to crystallize. He will have a control 1 liter of water and 5 teaspoons of salt. He will also have a test of 1 1/2 liters of water and 5 teaspoons of salt. He will check every day and record the results. What are the constants?
Checking and recording
Jeff is testing that slipping on a banana peel is as dangerous as slipping on soap. He will wear safety gear and step on each and see how much of an impact it has on him. Then he will record the data and check the results. What are the constants?
Slipping, recording
Bob is seeing if earthquakes effects your hearing. He will listen to a sound and then enter an earthquake simulator. While it is on, he will try to listen for the same sound. He will record how well he hears it, 1-10. What are the constants?
Listening, recording
John was going to test an experiment on frogs. The test was based on that the deeper a frog is underwater, the colder its skin gets. What the definition of DV?
What is being measured
Fred is testing what type of sneeze spreads the most bacteria. He will put a visible liquid in his mouth to see how it spreads and then sneeze. He will then compare how much bacteria was spread. What is the IV?
The type of sneeze
Fred is testing what type of sneeze spreads the most bacteria. He will put a visible liquid in his mouth to see how it spreads. He will then compare how much bacteria was spread. What is the DV?
How much bacteria is spread
Fred is testing what type of sneeze spreads the most bacteria. He will put a visible liquid in his mouth to see how it spreads and then sneeze. He will then compare how much bacteria was spread. What is the CV?
Amount of liquid and the environment
Fred is testing what type of sneeze spreads the most bacteria. He will put a visible liquid in his mouth to see how it spreads. He will then compare how much bacteria was spread. What are the constants?
Sneezing, recording, changing the type of sneeze