44th President of the United States
Who is Barrack Obama?
Nation of origin of the player in papers please.
What is Arstotzka?
Name of a dog based Cryto-currency
What is Doge-coin?
The Illest Villain
Who is MF Doom?
Capital of France
What is Paris
Number of Canadian Presidents with the last name Trudeau
What is world at war?
What is Jojo's Bizarre Adventures Part 5
Creator of Unity
Who is The Fat Rat?
Capital of Algeria
What is Algiers?
Date of Operation overlord
What is June 6
The year of release of the first Lego Island
The year "Meme" was first created.
What is 1976
French Electronic band with Robot mascot
What is Caravan Palace?
Capital of Thailand
What is Bangkok?
Company that Promised to only make games for the
What is Electronic arts?
Wide Putin walking creation date
What is February 2nd, 2020
Nat King Cols full name
Who is Nathaniel Adams Coles?
Capital of Bosnia and Hersgovinia
What is Sarajevo?
Number of times Vladimer Putin has been elected president of Russia
Creator of baby shark
What is Pink Fong?
Elanor Rigby is keeping this in a jar
Capital of Mongolia
What is Ulaanbaatar?