Grammar + Vocabulary

Open the brackets . What is the tense and why? 

We  (watch) a film on TV when we heard a noise.

We were watching a film on TV, when we hear a noise.


 Match the words below with the definitions. There are two extra words.

architect  arsonist  art gallery  desert  greengrocer's news bulletin  shower  smuggler  waiter  wood

1 This shop only sells fruit and vegetables. __________________

2 This person designs houses and other buildings. __________________

3 We use this word for rain when it isn’t very heavy and it stops quickly. __________________

4 This TV programme tells you about events in the world. __________________

5 It never rains in this place, and no plants grow. __________________

6 People go here to look at famous paintings. __________________

7 This criminal likes to burn things. __________________

8 This material comes from trees, and it is used to make paper. __________________

1. greengrocer's

2. architect

3. shower

4.  news bulletin

5. desert

6.  art gallery

7.  arsonist

8.  wood


Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

2 Has there been much / many crime in this area in the last year?

3 I like that actor, but his last thriller was worse / worst than all of his other films.

4 Has Thomas been / gone to school? Dad wanted to give him a lift.

5 I haven’t had a chocolate bar since / for last month.

2. much

3. worse

4. gone

5. since



1 D

2 G 

3 F

4 B 

5 E


SB ex. 6 pg. 11








Open the brackets . What is the tense and why? 

I (be) really anxious when I was waiting for my exam results.

I was really anxious when I was waiting for my exam results.


Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 We worked for a few hours and then made / took a break.

2. I was upset / delighted yesterday because I broke my bedroom mirror.

3. Dan fell over yesterday and injured / sprained himself.

1. took

2. upset

3. injured


Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 We haven’t played tennis since / for ages.

2 I don’t mind to clean / cleaning the kitchen for Mum this afternoon.

3 John hasn’t got much / many money at the moment, but he’s going to pay me for the ticket next week.

4 I haven’t been / gone to Bermuda. What's it like?

5 Maria is the better / best student in the maths class.

1. for

2. cleaning

3. much

4. been to

5. best



1 F

2 B 

3 A 

4 E 

5 G


SB ex. 4, 5 pg. 21

1. T

2. T

3. F

4. F

5. F

6. T


Open the brackets . What is the tense and why? 

You look really tired. I (carry) that bag for you. 

You look really tired. I will carry that bag for you.


Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 Dave didn’t tell / give the truth about his exam results.

2. The computer company offered / joined Mum a job last week.

3. It was a terrible journey in bad weather, so we were proud / relieved when we got home.

1. tell

2. offered

3. proud


Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence. Write 1−3 words.

1 My friends and I arrived here three months ago. My friends and I have been here _______________________ three months.

2 They won’t post the names of the competition winners on the school website until next week. The names of the competition winners _______________________ on the school website until next week.

3 Jenny said, ‘I found a great music website yesterday.’ Jenny said that she _______________________ a great music website the day before.

4 They've sold all the tickets for Friday's concert. All the tickets for Friday's concert _______________________ .

5 Angela and Maria said, ‘We can't do our homework.’ Angela and Maria said that they _______________________ their homework.

1 for

2 won’t be posted

3 had found

4 have been sold

5 couldn’t do



1 Gareth 2 – 3 Davina 4 Ben 5 Katie


SB ex. 5 pg. 30

agree/ disagree/disagree/ agree


Open the brackets . What is the tense and why? 

Darina and Mike (marry) at the end of this month. Here is the invitation.

Darina and Mike are going to marry ...


Choose the correct answers to complete the dialogue.

Jen 1___ you like to come to my house and watch a film after school?

Bella OK, but I 2___ be home late because it's a school day tomorrow. Have you got a lot of DVDs, then?

Jen No, I haven’t got 3___ DVDs. Do you know Benny and June’s Holiday? My sister bought it a few days ago.

Bella That’s 4___ film in the world − it isn't funny at all!

Jen Oh dear! Well, why don’t we go to a DVD shop and buy something 5___ than that after school?

Bella Good idea! There’s a DVD shop 6___ the road from here.

Jen I haven’t got much money though. Have you got 7___ ?

Bella No, but if I ask my brother. 8___ me some money.

Jen Great. But I think it’s 9___ late to ask him right now − look at the time!

Bella Yes. The bell 10___ in a minute. See you after the next class.

1 a Would b Should c Must

2 a needn’t b have to c mustn’t

3 a much b many c some

4 a the bad b the worse c the worst

5 a best b better c good

6 a inside b through c down

7 a any b a few c a lot of

8 a He gave b He gives c He’ll give

9 a enough b too c more

10 a rang b is going to ring c is ringing

1. a

2. c

3. b

4. c

5. b

6. c

7. a

8. c

9. b

10. b


Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence. Write 1−3 words

Kelly went to Greece. Kelly has _______________________ to Greece.

7 They give us an English test every Monday. We _______________________ an English test every Monday.

8 We can't buy the tickets because they're so expensive. We would buy the tickets if _______________________ so expensive.

9 They don’t allow animals in this hotel room. Animals _______________________ in this hotel room.

10 They boys said, ‘We're going to London on Friday!’ The boys said that they _______________________ to London that Friday.

6 been

7 are given

8 they weren’t

9 aren’t allowed

10 were going



Davina 2 Gareth 3 – 4 Katie 5 Ben


SB ex. 4 pg. 43

c, a, b, c , b


Open the brackets . What is the tense and why? 

If Martin (not know) about the party, will you tell him about it?

If Martin doesn't know about the party, will you tell him about it?


Choose the correct answers to complete the dialogue.

Sam I don’t think we 1___ eat in this restaurant – it looks dirty!

John  I agree, and there aren’t 2___ people inside.

Sam It isn’t 3___ place in town, either.

John No. I think there are 4___ restaurants than this near the river.

Sam But that’s quite far away, and we haven’t got 5___ time.

John It’s OK. Mum says we 6___ be home early because it’s the weekend.

Sam OK, but why don’t we walk 7___ the city centre first and see if there’s anywhere nice to eat there?

John Good idea! It’s not as 8___ as the river.

Sam Come on then! If we don’t hurry, 9___ . I’m starving!

John Me too − I’m 10___ hungry to think!

1 a would b should c must

2 a many b much c some

3 a the cheap b the cheaper c the cheapest

4 a good b better c best

5 a a few b a little c a lot of

6 a needn’t b have to c mustn’t

7 a inside b down c through

8 a far b further c furthest

9 a I died b I die c I’ll die

10 a enough b too c more

1. b

2. a

3. c

4. b

5. c

6. a

7. c

8. a

9. c

10. b


6 Complete the dialogue with the words below.

as finally honest reason refund shall sure what why wrong

Camilla 1____________ we sign up for that nighttime photography course? First we learn about the theory. Then we practise with the cameras in college. 2____________ we get to go out at night and take photographs in the dark.

Jason I’m not 3____________ about that. There’s a problem with my new digital camera.

Camilla What’s 4____________ with it?

Jason Well, I can’t get it to work properly. And I lost my receipt so I can’t get a 5____________.

Camilla To be 6____________, you aren’t really very confident with technology. You might just need some lessons!

Jason Hey, thanks very much!

Camilla No, listen. The 7____________ I say that is because you hate gadgets and 8____________ is more, you never bother to read the instruction manuals. Perhaps it’s not even broken.

Jason 9____________ I see it, if a gadget isn’t easy to use, then it’s not a great gadget!

Camilla Look, 10____________ don’t you come along to the class with me and ask the photography teacher to have a look?


2 Finally

3 sure

4 wrong

5 refund

6 honest

7 reason

8 what

9 As

10 why



1 c 2 d 3 a 4 a 5 b


SB ex. 4, 5 pg. 87

12/ Clyde 25, Bonnie 23

a, both, b, both, a
