Treatment of DVT
Venous Disease
Case Interpretations
Differential Diagnosis

What is another name for a blood thinner medication? 

What is anticoagulants


These veins are raised, swollen blood vessels that twist and turn beneath the skin and are known as: 

What is a varicose vein


Identify (4) limitations that may be documented in a LE venous duplex exam:

What is:

•Patients who are obese (body habitus)

•Patients with dressings, casts, wounds, ulcers, poor skin integrity etc.

•Severe edema/lymphedema

•Arterial calcification producing shadowing artifact


When interpreting a LE venous duplex exam the physician’s name, date of exam, date of interpretation, and an appropriate indication must appear on the final report should be included.

True  or  False 

What is True


This image is of an incidental finding that is found medial to the Popliteal Vein and Artery, and commonly caused by Arthritis  

What is a Baker's Cyst (Popliteal Cyst)


This type of DVT treatment are used for more-serious types of DVT or PE, or if other medications aren't working and are given by IV or through a tube (catheter) placed directly into the clot:

What is clot busters (thrombolytics) 


A condition when the blood pressure inside your leg veins doesn't fall as you're walking due to the valvular damage in the LE veins is known as:

What is Venous Hypertension

It is important to document the location, extent and echogenicity of thrombus when documenting the presence of a DVT in LE venous duplex exam report. 

( True / False )

What is True


When completing a transcription for a venous duplex exam identify (4) factors that should be identified before beginning an exam

What is:

- Patient name


- Gender

- Priority of exam

- Type of exam

- Reason for exam


The condition in which excessive lymph fluid is not recovered and is accumulated outside the lymph, leading to the enlarged body is known as:

What is lymphedema 


What type of device is being used in the image below to prevent propagation of a DVT:

What is an IVC Filter 


Extensive iliofemoral DVT that causes marked swelling of  the lower extremity with pain, pitting edema, and blanching and is also called milk leg or white leg is known as: 

What is Phlegmasia alba dolens


 Identify the (4) Spectral Doppler waveforms that should accurately demonstrate the venous flow characteristics in a LE venous exam:

What is:

- Spontaneity

- Phasicity

- Flow augmentation with distal compression

- Pulsatility


How would interpret this B-mode transverse image of the Lt. FV?

What is:

The Lt. FV is WNL's in the B-mode transverse image,  indicated by the complete compressibility of the vein 


These veins are smaller, more superficial blood vessels that occur because of too much sunlight, hormonal changes, or an injury to the vessel.

What are spider veins


This procedure uses a highly concentrated saline solution or a specially made detergent that is injected directly into the vein, causing the vein to disappear gradually over several weeks:

What is sclerotherapy


This vascular complication is caused by static blood flow or venous stasis and is commonly noted in the "gaiter" region of the legs? 

What is a venous ulcer


When completing a venous duplex exam the following (3)  evaluations should be incorporated in a preliminary report:

What is:

- B-mode 

- Color

- Spectral Doppler (Waveform)


How would interpret the image below of the Lt. Mid Femoral Vein?

What is:

The Lt. Mid Femoral Vein is WNL, demonstrating color filling wall to wall with a distal augmentation present on the spectral waveform 


Identify (4) Vascular Incidental Findings that can be documented on a venous duplex exam:

What is:



-Arteriovenous fistulas

- Significant arterial disease


What are the (3) main goals to DVT treatment:

What is:

- Prevent the clot from getting bigger

- Prevent the clot from breaking loose (propagation) and traveling to the lungs

- Reduce the chances of another DVT


This vascular condition occurs when the left common iliac is compressed and potentially a thrombosis by the right common iliac artery forms?

What is May Thurner syndrome 


Identify (4) clinical indications for a LE venous duplex exam to be performed: 

What is:

- Swelling

- Limb Pain

- Tenderness

- Documentation of a source for pulmonary embolism (PE)


How would interpret the image of the Lt. PTV as seen below:

What is:

Presence of acute deep vein thrombosis in the Lt. PTV, due to lack of color filling and no spontaneous, phasic or augmentation seen on the spectral waveform 


Identify (4) Non-vascular incidental findings that can occur on a venous duplex exam:

What is:

- Cysts and hematomas

- Edema

- Abscesses

- Enlarged lymph nodes

- Tumors


This technique is often used in the diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis of the leg by having the patient dorsiflex their foot while gentling pressing on their knee on the symptomatic side?

What is a Homans' sign


LE ulcers knowns as ___________  ____________ ulcers may appear on the gaiter region of a patient's LE due to chronic venous insufficiency.

What is venous stasis 


When reporting a finding of a Chronic DVT it would be accurate to state that the vein diameter is generally increased in size.

True or False

What is False 


To differentiate between an unattached and an attached thrombus an RVT may look for this certain type of thrombus?

What is a free-floating thrombus 



This differential diagnosis would be suggestive of a ___________ ____________ seen in the anterior medial distal part of the calf.

What is a muscle tear


A minimally invasive procedure that uses a small hook to remove a large varicose vein that lies superficial in a LE, is known as?

What is Phlebectomy 


A blood clot that develops in a vein close to the surface of the skin is known as ?

What is Phlebitis 


When completing a preliminary report on a BLE Venous Duplex exam it is required to include the velocity measurements to determine the presence of a DVT. 

True or False

What is False 


 The image below would be considered an incidental finding that would require immediate attention. How would this image be transcribed?

What is a suggestive of a Lt. Common Femoral Vein Pseudoaneurysm 


A patient that presented to the ER with a warm, swollen, tender leg had a BLE Venous Duplex exam completed but the findings were negative. What other differential finding would be a likely possibility when an infection was diagnosed?

What is Cellulitis 
