This group of people ruled the land during Ruth's time in Bethlehem
What is Judges
Saul is the father of this person
Who is Johnathan
Finish the verse:
Forgive, just as
What is the Lord has forgiven you
You must do this to inherit eternal life
David's first court job was this
What is musician (played the harp)
This woman is the mother in law of Ruth and Orpah
Who is Naomi
This person was the head of Saul's army, Son in law, and best friend to his son
Who is David
Finish the verse: If one has a complaint against another
What is forgive each other
The Lawyer speaking to Jesus asked him "Who is my neighbor. Jesus responded in this form
What is in the form of a parable
Ruth's second husband was this man
Who is Boaz
Elimelech, along with his wife and sons left Bethlehem for this Country
What is Moab
Johnathan made the following covenant with the house of David
What is May the Lord take vengeance on David's enemies...To protect David and David to protect Johnathan's family
To bear with someone means this
What is bringing some form of relief and comfort to someone else's challenging situation (answer does not have to be the exact verbiage)
This amount of people passed the beat up man in Jesus's parable
2: a Levite and a priest
This is a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson, as told by Jesus
What is a parable
When Ruth's mother in law tried to convince Ruth to go back to her homeland, Ruth replied with this statement
What is "Where you go, I will go. Where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people and your God my God."
Johnathan loved David this much
What is he loved him as he loved his own soul
The intentional decision to let go of anger and resentment towards someone who has harmed you, regardless of whether they deserve it or not is this
What is forgiveness
This person helped the bruised man by wrapping his wounds.
What is a Samaritan
Finish the verse: Love your neighbor
What is as yourself
Ruth's mother in law wanted her daughter in law's to return to their country for this reason
What is she could not bear anymore sons for them to marry. She wanted them to find security that she could not provide.
Johnathan's servant was supposed to gather this item from the fields
What is an arrow
Finish the following common phrases: Forgiveness is for..
you not the other person
This law protects people who helps others in emergencies so that they won't be sued for neglect or misconduct
What is Good Samaritan Laws
Finish the verse: For God so loved the world
What is that he gave his only begotten son...